Example sentences of "[pron] think [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Good idea wo n't be a bad idea mm , what I thought was the tough steak has turned out to be the , the one that 's not I cut the steaks about a bit , one was a bit fattier than the other the one that I had I thought would be dead tough , is tender it 's int it ? they look more like a sirloin steak to me than a rump , even though it went under the name of rump it looked like you can only tell the shape of it ca n't , oh God
2 Well , then how do you explain the night I put down a copy of Viz , turned on the telly , and settled in for what I thought would be a programme of smart , irreverent comedy ?
3 Plummer , a bank manager in Camborne , commented : ‘ All sorts of arrangements have had to be made , which I thought would be difficult .
4 ‘ My mind was fixed on the tribunal most of the day , then I spent four hours travelling up for what I thought would be a place on the bench .
5 ‘ It 's the end of an adventure that I thought would last for ever .
6 I assessed six factors which I thought would help determine whether patients had actually had asthma and whether their death had been caused by asthma .
7 I started to take things from the house as well , y'know , little things that I thought would n't be noticed .
8 It 's not what I thought would happen .
9 I 'd sent tapes to Radio One and I 'd also spent time devising quizzes that I thought would be better than the ones they were doing .
10 I brought some bits for you that I thought would probably be redundant , but they 're obviously not .
11 Today 's game I thought would be a good opportunity to rub the buggers ' noses in it .
12 And something like that I thought would have been a very good solution .
13 I remember once we were going to have a lot more crocuses on the way up the drive , and he said , ‘ Look , you decide what you want and I 'll order them , ’ so I decided what I thought would be good , because I knew I had to put them in .
14 For why else , I thought would he be in that position , sensuously embracing a vicious criminal who had tried to kill her partner ?
15 And so did a good many people who I , I thought would never go .
16 In fact , it was just about the very last thing I thought would ever happen .
17 Once again i caught on the three methods that I thought would work on the day and to say the least I was more than confident of getting good points .
18 He was the last player I thought would succumb as he did .
19 Yes , O K , erm , I brought what I thought would be a help from last week .
20 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
21 so we started to look for something and I wanted a bungalow , I did n't want to house again , just the two bedrooms I thought would be nice , so what we did we found this bu er this bungalow in er out of Crewe in Haslington and er we put up our house for sale , it cost seventeen thousand , five hundred and this bungalow we bought seventeen thousand , six hundred and fifty , so all I had to add was one hundred and sixty pounds , to sell the house , but the house needed change all the windows to put all the windows and the doors because they were all rotting in , you know , because the houses built er before the second world war and er what we did we put up the and in three months ' time , it in three months ' time my house went and we were moved , in September we started to sell , in January we 'd been living in the , in the new bungalow and then about three years later they built a row of bungalows on the other side where there should , should of been , they kept the land , it should of been shops , but then they changed their minds , they did , they did n't build the shops , but they built all these bungalows again on the other side , you 've been to my home , yeah , so the road that , over the road these bungalows were about three years later than ours and they were going down for thirty two thousand pound , and I bought mine for seventeen thousand seven sixty at six fifty , yeah
22 Jenny I thought would ring .
23 I applied for the occasional post that I thought might be interesting , but never heard anything back .
24 As the days went by , I did start to try the newspapers and job centres again — anywhere in fact that I thought might find me either a job or a home .
25 I could send you a list of vacancies , and mark any I thought might suit Mrs Ross and which I could vouch for .
26 He listened to me as to what I thought might be a reasonable way to go about it .
27 The engine only produces thirty-two horse power , which I thought might be a problem in performance terms but , for this unique aircraft , it does not prove to be so .
28 I would n't take anything that I thought might be too harmful and detrimental to my health , y'know .
29 There was one person I thought might come across with a few facts , Mahoney 's girl , Connie Fraser .
30 I had worked out a peace formula that I thought might be acceptable , but when I showed it to Wilson he scoffed at it as being altogether too legalistic and proceeded to provide me with a formula of his own .
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