Example sentences of "[pron] see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I promised Madeleine last night I 'd go with them to see Dunbar playing polo .
2 Take them to see Santa in his Steam Train Grotto .
3 Francisco drove them to see Rosie next day .
4 The portable screens are designed to fit round the witness box when needed to block the child 's view of the defendant but allow them to see magistrates and lawyers in the case .
5 Our parents would n't believe a word we said , so we took them to see Flupper .
6 ‘ It must be frightening for them to see Ryan on the bench .
7 And you may find that instead of making antiracism the rational choice for trade union officials and other bureaucrats , you are encouraging them to see immigration as dysfunctional , rather than racism !
8 " When I was dealing with the men personally I generally got them to see matters from my point of view , but unfortunately I could not stay in any one port for any length of time ; my subordinates did not have the same control over men as I did " .
9 They also saw the Catholic padre attached to the station and he took them to see Whitey 's grave .
10 Our informants had a well-articulated theory of the relation between ‘ work-in-school ’ and success in a life career that allowed them to see work-in-school as the first rung of their adult moral careers .
11 The excitement , suspense , and danger which seems the lot of the police on celluloid feeds into the definitions many of Easton 's section police give to their work experience , and the supposed similarity of this experience leads them to see police films and television programmes as an accurate portrayal , to be watched avidly because of this shared world .
12 Or maybe it 's simpler than that , and has to do with them seeing Tod in his natural environment , the doctor , the gatekeeper , his white coat and his black bag .
13 I still have n't given , that 's reminded me seeing Shona there , I , I do n't think I 've given her that pair of trousers and the sweatshirt and I told her that I 've got them .
14 IT really annoyed me to see leaders of the public service unions on TV going on about how a pay freeze would be unacceptable to their members .
15 It seems strange to me to see cattle out in a field in mid-winter .
16 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
17 Instead it switched a light on inside my head that enabled me to see things , which at the time , were away beyond my full understanding .
18 It was Peter who forced me to see things in a different light . ’
19 Three days after the French were released Joelle Kauffman arranged for me to see Normandin and I flew to Paris , with Mary , to see him .
20 Forcing a smile , she turned to him and said , ‘ Thank you for taking me to see Aunt Bertha .
21 took me to see Romeo and Juliet .
22 Sir , — It saddened me to see Mr. Reg Cleaver describe the Jews as ‘ an alien people ’ in relation to the land of Israel .
23 Thank you for taking me to see Lina . ’
24 In my third memory my mother takes me to see Chaplin 's Limelight .
25 In fact a couple of nights later he took me to see Max Miller at Holborn Empire and would not let me pay for anything .
26 ‘ I worked from home and took Elliot with me to see clients .
27 Dad 's coming with me to see Uncle Walter .
28 ‘ Am I seeing things ? ’ he hissed .
29 My mother did n't like my seeing Rob , so it was n't easy for him to get in touch with me .
30 In this way , though we do not rid ourselves of the ego , we do transcend it and make it softer and enable ourselves to see things calmly .
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