Example sentences of "[pron] can always " in BNC.

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1 I can always catch up with my sleep later on this morning .
2 In this case I can always be blamed . ’
3 But otherwise I just reckon there will be something around — or if the locusts have been at the fridge , well , I can always go out . ’
4 But I 'm very young , and if it goes wrong , I can always do something else . ’
5 But she did not forget ‘ sitting on me grandad 's rocking chair combing his hair and I can always remember him sat there and me stood up behind him : I 'd comb his hair for hours and he just sat there and let me . ’
6 There is even a saying that indicates how poorly cleaning is regarded ‘ Well , if I can do nothing else , I can always sweep the roads ’ .
7 I can always paint over it , ’ said Daisy hastily .
8 Once she was out of her chair I should not like to keep her hanging about , and I can always make straight for the Ladies at Harvey Nicholls [ sic ] .
9 If I do make a cock-up of it , I can always do something else . ’
10 I can always wave my crutches if I get excited , ’ she said .
11 ‘ Whatever happens , I can always use my economics degree .
12 HE MAY not say it in public , but George Graham has a clear message this morning for Ian Wright : ‘ I can always get another forward but see what trouble you 'll have leaning backwards on a broken career ’ .
13 If the worst comes to the worst , says the suicide , I can always kill myself .
14 She joked : ‘ I get on well with all the guys , but if any of them get too frisky I can always use my army self-defence training to sort them out . ’
15 I can always buy another .
16 I know I can always do something to earn a living .
17 The plant is going to have pink flowers so I paint the foliage quite dark — I can always lighten it
18 This is because I can always ask ‘ Would I still prescribe that action if it was I who had that desire ? ’
19 I can always tell . ’
20 I can always find something to do .
21 Like going to sleep by contrasting a bed with a pavement , I sometimes find myself thinking that if the worst comes to the worst I can always earn a living by my hands ; I can scrub , clean , cook and sew ; all you have in the end is your labour .
22 My natural speed turned me into a wing three-quarter at rugby for the colts , though I can always recall matches in the centre and at fly-half .
23 You know , it 's funny but over the years I can always remember you saying : me , my , mine .
24 I can always use five grand . ’
25 you know I can always go back there as well .
26 I can always imagine him back again if I want to .
27 If I feel the need to do something I can always exercise my creative abilities trying to think of a story that 'll appease Eddie .
28 Be that as it may , I shall be philosophic if you prove unworthy of this not inconsiderable investment — I can always write it off as a little deficit financing — but if you wish to continue with our relationship you must be prepared to place some real trust in me .
29 I can always talk Daddy round .
30 I can always tell when you have a cold , ’ she said , brooking no argument .
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