Example sentences of "[pron] can well " in BNC.

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1 I can well understand the feelings of the minority , but I can not understand why they 're offended , ’ said Mr Sliudikas , another district secretary in the capital .
2 I can well believe that when he now catches this distinctive smell when passing Indian or Pakistani restaurants a nausea returns to him — it is , so to speak , the cuisine of shame .
3 I can well comprehend your daughter 's being upset but , I assure you , I would have given a great deal to prevent it .
4 I can well imagine how he must have looked that day , framed by the doorway of the vehicle , his dark , severe presence quite blotting out the effect of the gentle Hertfordshire scenery behind him .
5 I can well imagine that you were protesting that there are behaviours ( like aggression ) which you simply can not ignore .
6 Now this does n't alter for one moment my recommendation of this as a superb performance , but I can well imagine a non-violinist , with less understanding of the extraordinary soloistic skill involved , homing in on and lambasting the accompaniment , giving only an average rating as a result .
7 He is surrounded by a cast of variously eccentric characters , from her beefcake boyfriend ( I can well imagine that Kevin Kline stole the show in that part ) to his secretly fanatic prospective sponsor ( Imogene Coca , relishing every word of ‘ Repent ’ ) .
8 I said I get a lot of enquiries from frustrated knitters on this point and I can well understand their frustration .
9 I can well believe that at home I was going through some such process for many years before I became anorexic , as well as during the course of the disease itself .
10 I can well believe that many Labour supporters changed their minds on polling day after being terrified by newspaper ads warning how much extra tax they would pay under Kinnock ?
11 I can well imagine that .
12 I can well understand the plaintiffs ' sense of indignation at the defendants ' breaches of the injunction , and the court will have to consider very carefully all aspects of those breaches when the inevitable contempt proceedings are heard .
13 I can well understand that thinking of your daughter in a stranger 's house is not easy .
14 I can well believe that , ’ said Melissa .
15 I can well believe it , ’ said Melissa with a smile .
16 ‘ Aye , well , I can well believe it .
17 Though whether any other of your part will , neither you nor I can well determine before the event .
18 I can well imagine that somebody like you would strike a woman .
19 I can well imagine that you do not wish to leave here until you have proof .
20 At the same time , the United Nations is clearly contemplating the circumstances in which a peace-keeping force might be sent and I can well conceive of circumstances in which , in order to underpin a peace , a peace-keeping force should be in place .
21 Having visited homes for abandoned children in Somalia a couple of years ago , I can well understand concern not only about young children in that country , but about all its people .
22 I can well believe that he has always been in favour of a social charter in Europe , but he has never before asked us to be in Europe enjoying its disadvantages .
23 I can well understand that many older and less confident people feel comfortable and unthreatened in such places .
24 I can well remember , I can well remember when our children , when our children were quite young , and er we had such a couple staying with us .
25 I can well remember , I can well remember when our children , when our children were quite young , and er we had such a couple staying with us .
26 I can well understand that the political and governing classes are unhappy to see citizens associating freely in each other 's homes , in pubs and private clubs .
27 I mean , I can well recall in my own analysis with , of course , for the first six months she said nothing , and I used to get very frustrated , and say , look , what do you think of this ?
28 I can well understand M M Mr Jewitt 's concerns , erm I think the simple fact of the matter is that not a great deal of Greater York new housing demand is likely to be generated in Hambledon district , whereas in Selby district a significant amount of er demand is likely to be generated , so really by way of conclusion I I would like through you to ask Mr Mr Jewitt if his opposition to the new settlement is as a matter of principle , or whether he 's really stating the case for Hambledon district , in other words , would he object to a new settlement in Selby district ?
29 I can well believe that .
30 As for the free kick well I never saw MOTD so I ca n't comment , though I can well believe Speed did f- up , he definitely had an off day .
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