Example sentences of "[pron] but when " in BNC.

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1 He had not been at Eton himself but when he played for the masters his volleying in the Field Game — the Eton form of football — was long remembered .
2 But she 's she 's she does n't want it she did n't want the jewels did she but when she nearly had them .
3 Having a factory bike can put a lot of pressure on you but when after just a couple of races you discover you can compete at the highest level , everything gets easier .
4 And if you go round , particularly the steep slopes on the margins of Ashdown Forest , not on Ashdown Forest itself but when you climb up from the very flat erm plain area of the Low Weald onto the so-called High Weald , then that area in particular is very subject to , to this type of activity .
5 ‘ I do trust George completely ’ Annette went on ‘ I just have to with his work and so much he ca n't tell me but when he come back in that state I just could n't help …
6 ‘ I pushed the pram to the top of the street I was afraid they were following me but when I looked round there was nobody there so I just ran to my mum 's . ’
7 An O S one to fifty thousand and that 's what I thought I 'd picked up this morning to take with me but when I looked it was Chester and Wrexham so it did n't do me much good .
8 Oh well we 've been walking when we 've gone into town but I mean just between you and me but when I got home Bev said pop into town I 've got a parcel to post and I said well I ca n't I said because according to Des well nothing happened
9 They wanted to keep them happy , they let them carry on with their religion , it did n't interest them but when it comes down to serious things like killing erm political agitators , the Romans wanted to deal with that themselves .
10 explain that story at the end , was so fond of dragons that he adorned with drawings and carvings of them but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation
11 How many times have you told yourself you could not do something but when you ultimately faced up and had a go , to your amazement you succeeded .
12 But when you 've got a full field to harvest at least you 're getting something but when you 're just going around the edges and picking the bits that are left behind that is a hard job you 're spending as long but you 're not getting as much .
13 Lee wondered why the barman tolerated him but when she looked towards the bar she saw that the barman seemed hypnotized by the antics of the pub 's female singer , not pleasantly , but as if he had been created permanently attached to a painful but essentially dependable puzzle .
14 I meant to be open with him but when it came to it I beat about the bush .
15 ‘ We were very nervous , worried about her but when it was all over …
16 The voice startled her but when she looked round she winced at the stale smell of alcohol on the man 's breath .
17 They had looked forward to seeing her but when she came they did n't know what to say .
18 At first Carrie hardly dared look at her but when she did she saw nothing alarming or sinister , just an old lady with silvery hair piled up high and a pale , invalid 's face .
19 Yeah she she 's I I hardly ever see her but when I do
20 Chesarynth thought it was her own screaming and embarrassment boiled through her but when she looked round , bodies were twitching and smoking everywhere as the computer-banks sparked into flame .
21 The advice sounded incomprehensible to her but when he handed her the phone receiver back , the car man said , ‘ OK , I 've got that .
22 When she wants to go you do n't want to let her but when , when you want to let her in she 'll
23 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
24 It 's a desperate way to look at it but when you go out there 's 16 soldiers to every 2 policemen and you work out the odds , and that 's 8 to 1 against you being hit .
25 If I was on my own I would n't have done it but when there are other guys there you ca n't say no .
26 I did n't see it but when I was presented with the job advert from a local newspaper the words leapt out at me : ‘ Lecturer : Special needs ’ in the college in the borough where I used to teach before becoming a peripatetic home teacher for pre-school children .
27 I 'd read all about it but when you 've actually got it , it 's horrible .
28 He ca n't see any harm in it but when I 've found him watching blue movies , I 've felt suicidal .
29 Well I ca n't remember but my parents got it but when it first came in I ca n't remember the year but
30 I mean we have to work very hard in our own er relationship we 've had our ups and downs we 've gone through many difficult times like unemployment and even homelessness and you know we we 've gone through it but when you make your promises you say you 'll stay together for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and so on .
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