Example sentences of "[pron] i had " in BNC.

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1 Of course , everyone I had met today had this wide-eyed look ; the wounded , the jeep drivers , and the Commandos occupying the weapon pits .
2 I had lost faith , not in God but in the carnal love which so preoccupied almost everyone I had ever known .
3 Dragged myself to the doctor who told me I had to expect such things at my age and prescribed vitamin pills .
4 I had desperately wanted to rush outside and leave the whole wretched affair behind me but something told me I had to stay and face the music .
5 ‘ I was n't sure about making the sharp turn into the fifth fence , but Ted told me I had to go the fast way everywhere otherwise I had no hope of winning , ’ Mac said .
6 Arrayed against me I had both the TUC-affiliated unions and the Royal College of Nursing , the professional organization representing the nurses .
7 With me I had the two Kens .
8 At last he muttered stiffly , ‘ You told me I had a choice . ’
9 One day as she tripped forward to greet me I had , without pausing to wonder if my embrace would be acceptable to her , bent down and kissed her .
10 She told us : ‘ The first time I saw this lady from the Foundation for Global Unity in Canterbury , she told me I had been a young boy in one of the Balkan countries , where slaves were being used to cut down all the trees .
11 He said , ‘ My caddie told me I had to get it . ’
12 The last magazine article came out on me , I had a lot of Christians writing to tell me I had it all wrong .
13 Dick told me I had got it all wrong .
14 H. P. I remember one time , the inspector coming round — we did n't always see eye-to-eye — telling me I had n't polished my buttons .
15 An ex-agent of mine told me I had the wrong attitude to charity shows ; I did too many .
16 This guy persuaded me I had to adopt that attitude in the Tests as well .
17 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
18 After the receptionist picked herself off the floor she told me I had better call in the fire brigade . ’
19 The 21-year-old star — plucked from children 's TV last year to host TOTP — says : ‘ The doctors told me I had a very bad case of food poisoning . ‘
20 ‘ I hit my head on the kerb when I fell and when I went to hospital two days later they told me I had severe bruising of the brain , ’ said Walter after his Kempton win on Mithl Al Hawa .
21 ‘ He told me I had a problem because I refused to do anything with him .
22 One family gave me a day off every month , told me I had to be back before nine in the evening and checked my bag when I left to see if I had n't robbed anything .
23 born in Church Street I , I was only one , there were no brothers or sisters which for the record , I regret because all around me I had cousins , dozens of them and erm the families round me was big families and it was the , there was er times when it was bad weather or something like that and you could n't congregate outside , you 'd go to somebody 's house , are you coming ?
24 They told me I had an academic future , a considerable future . ’
25 " I sorry , " he said once again , in a hopeless voice that told me I had n't convinced him .
26 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
27 The last time I had seen him , on the night of the fire , he had held my hands , told me I had saved his life , and looked at me as if he loved me .
28 A great man in those days who was trying to be encouraging told me I had a terrific eye for English weather .
29 I 'd always wanted a little girl , but one of the students at the door told me I had a beautiful little boy and he was fine .
30 But in any case I 'd chucked all me things in the cemetery , you know , and that 's so when they caught up with me I had n't got any newspapers .
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