Example sentences of "[pron] with [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , so impressed am I with his performance that I shall personally be paying his train fare from Birmingham twice a week .
2 I with my nerves at the moment .
3 with my with my girlfriend
4 She asks us if we would agree that Julia Roberts is the most stunning thing we 've ever seen , and we have to admit that Julia 's extraordinarily wide mouth and upturned nose always remind us of someone with their face pressed against a plate-glass window .
5 The raffle or lottery is a form of random sample — in its simplest form the identical little numbered tickets are shaken up in a hat and drawn out one by one by someone with their eyes closed .
6 ‘ There 's always someone with their fingers crossed .
7 They must be mad to take on someone with her record .
8 ‘ You would think someone with her background would know better , ’ said Lewis .
9 ‘ I need someone — ’ and he gazed into her eyes with an expression she tried hard to understand ‘ — someone with her feet on the ground , but capable of understanding someone who has to fly sometimes .
10 He had picked up the pieces after the war and it must have come as a total shock to someone with his background to find players in his side who rocked the boat .
11 Not realising the long-term strategy behind the offer , Haslam turned it down , regarding it as an inferior job for someone with his mining engineering skills .
12 For someone with his intellect , his was an intensely frustrating position .
13 There just was n't any work , even for someone with his track record .
14 He had a large place , with as many modern conveniences as a sandhole like Dead Rat could offer , but it was n't what someone with his skills could rate in a PZ .
15 ‘ Surely there must be a job somewhere for someone with his ability . ’
16 ‘ Twenty minutes , ’ the guard replied , then hurried away to help someone with his luggage .
17 In any case , Dougal was n't the type to run away : someone with his talents had nowhere to run to .
18 Pathetic , really , for someone with his record .
19 The pull 's fairly heavy , but someone with your shoulders ought to be able to manage . ’
20 Bit unusual for someone with your background . ’
21 ‘ My son , for someone with your heritage you are over-fond of scepticism , ’ which made Ratagan chuckle .
22 I think it genuinely irresponsible that someone with my theatrical track-record has written a play about this internationally known theatrical figure yet it has only been seen by a few people . ’
23 Failure was no longer acceptable , particularly in someone with my advantages .
24 We need not concern ourselves with its detailed definition , though it is precise enough for those in the know .
25 We have lived in Birmingham for 18 months and been totally absorbed in familiarising ourselves with our own local environment , and all I knew of Highgate , Sparkhill , Sparkbrook and Small Heath was where they are on a map .
26 Human psychology is reducible to not only the constituents of the atom , but to the primal forces which imbue the atom and ourselves with our very nature .
27 My husband and I had photographs taken of ourselves with our firstborn when he was a week or so old ; in the pictures we all look happy and contented .
28 When she bent her head towards his with her lips softly pouted , she came so close that for one brief moment he thought she might actually kiss his forehead .
29 Frantically Brown scrabbled for the phone that would connect his with his Special Agent in Kensington .
30 Bureaucracy seems to block the Chinese sources , which with their huge mule farms must have a great deal of information .
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