Example sentences of "[pron] he said " in BNC.

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1 Er , I do n't wan na put the onus on Paul to do that , I I 've asked and said I he said he 'd be queen , you know be ke , that was before the
2 I said it 's sh I said , I he said do n't you think it 's a nice gesture ?
3 Er I I I he said that oh yes I do want to go down these stairs but there 's folks coming up and down and the esc you know , someone coming on the escalator .
4 He said that 's when they put presents round and er he come in on the Friday on the Friday night and I mean I was in a right state , I mean we 've been in there about seven weeks and I was like at the point of like a nervous breakdown and he said to me how do you feel about me taking Matthew from you , so I said I he said I think you need a break .
5 Well we 've had all this trauma about you know , cos I do you , where do you want the he said well do n't see much of daddy or nan and granddad and nana and granddad said they moved in on Christmas Day stay here and Rachael and Steven would n't come up , stay here on Christmas Day , it 's quite likely , quite likely to go with daddy he said but , in many ways I he said I know what we can do is when we send up the chimney we could put nanny 's address , nanny 's address on it , shall we ?
6 And Les said I ca n't believe this he said , I he said if you 'd have been in business ten years that I could understand but he said to do it your first
7 yeah , well yeah I mean one of the blokes I he said just over a pair of
8 I he said , he 's an old type chemist he said just mention my name he said he perhaps fix you up with small quantities or try this other place in Wrexham he said they , chemist he said but they do wholesale work as well
9 he said you know what is it and I showed him a piece like , he said oh I he said yes , I said I 've taken the nails out that I did n't see , he said oh I 've got a metal detector here
10 then and said he said , I , I he said the penny only dropped afterwards , he said
11 I says Well I must admit it is yes I you know I He said I 'm going to get a policeman if you 're not careful .
12 plus my back my he said , I do n't have to keep stiff , I said yeah well that 's where you 're pulling it but
13 When the Duke of Buccleugh offered to take the whole of his losses on himself he said , ‘ I will involve no friend , rich or poor — my own right hand shall do it . ’
14 He 'll fend for himself he said . ’
15 Almost to himself he said , ‘ Power-surge .
16 he says , look er , he says , cos I for somebody he said if I could , if he knew somebody that could take me down he says I would leave the mini for ya
17 He denied all the charges against him except possession of the literature which he said was either on sale in public bookstores or did not advocate violence .
18 Leonard himself was enthused to make his own music , an inspiration which developed from being induced to learn the piano as a young boy with Miss McDougall , in which he said that neither he nor his sister made any headway .
19 Later when he was hungry , he ate three of them in a row , washed down with bottles of beer which he said he did n't much care for .
20 Besides monitoring the EC proposals , Mr Eggar is also keeping an eye on other government departments which he said had the tendency to introduce measures which , however well intentioned , could have the effect of strangling small businesses .
21 Mr Chapman yesterday announced the launch of Chapmans Publishers , which he said would be ‘ an independent general publisher across a wide spectrum .
22 The military leader saved some of his most scathing remarks for the White House , which he said faced another ‘ Bay of Pigs ’ .
23 He has received a leaked internal memo which he said indicates a ‘ cosy relationship ’ has been established between Safety Authority and Eurotunnel , the Anglo-French consortium that will own and operate the tunnel .
24 Michael Heseltine said on Tuesday that Nigel Lawson was wrong to dismiss the deficit as a minor matter — something which he said smacked of ‘ socialist naivety ’ .
25 Love , 25 , had two eagles and four birdies in a round which he said would probably not have been played on the USPGA tour .
26 He asked if I would advise him to send for Henderson , I said ‘ No ’ , which he said relieved him .
27 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
28 Mr Ritblat said he and his fellow directors were showing their commitment to New British Land by investing almost £12million in cash into the new company , which he said would concentrate on the UK but also look for overseas opportunities provided by the creation of the Single European market .
29 There may have been press briefings by regulatory bodies during and after the Blue Arrow inquiry which he said called into question their impartiality .
30 I ONCE read a book by Bertrand Russell in which he said that at the age of seven years ( as I remember ) he got up one night to see whether there were , in fact , four angels round his bed :
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