Example sentences of "[pron] and [be] " in BNC.

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1 I were I were but I and were n't I Bet ?
2 ‘ Rumour has it , ’ said the kadi , ‘ that the Parquet sought to arrest someone and were unsuccessful . ’
3 Effectively , taking control of a lethal weapon and driving down St Mary 's Road in Oxford , which is an ordinary residential street and kill someone and be sentenced to three years : I do n't think the public will think it 's enough .
4 The new album is what we are about — we produced it ourselves and are really proud of it .
5 We had all come out of ourselves and were more self confident .
6 And of course that was the best way to treat me because we were all there for one reason and that was to get over our addiction and to cure ourselves and be better .
7 This can be any amount from £500 to £3,000 — the choice is yours and is based on what you think you will need .
8 Campbell points out that Jesus ' sufferings , far from being heroic , are far more wonderful than that ; all our wounds and pains are taken up in his and are redeemed .
9 However peculiarly Beethoven 's seemingly contradictory words may strike us now , the tempos are nevertheless his and are , again , anything but slow !
10 In a moment he had gripped her hand in his and was pulling her away from the bale on which she had been resting .
11 Very few fathers would actually prefer to have a strong-minded , independent daughter who put her own needs before his and was able to criticize his behaviour openly .
12 It is uncertain whether he composed this song himself or adapted an existing poem to the mocking , sentimental tone that was his and was already regarded as typical of Dublin .
13 He was armed with an archaeological book he had dug out of that bulging briefcase of his and was on his hands and knees sifting through a pile of discarded bones . ’
14 ‘ Nor I you , ’ she said , amazed , and let her hand slip into his and be held fast .
15 The parents were delighted that the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others .
16 the ‘ evidence ’ comes from the subject himself and is not given to him by another person .
17 WHEN I was about eight years old , I had to learn this answer to the question : ‘ What is God ? ’ in the Roman Catholic catechism : ‘ God is the supreme spirit who alone exists of himself and is infinite in all perfections . ’
18 Smart was deaf to advice , however , and in his play , which is bursting with wit and humour , ‘ He acts five parts himself and is only sorry he cant do all the rest .
19 He normally takes instructions himself and is responsible for the billing and costing of his files and cases .
20 He had learned to live in himself and be self-sufficient , Instead of feeling Kee 's presence as an intrusion , upsetting his concentration at a critical stage , he was inspired by her .
21 Apart from the numerous psycho-sexual problems which afflict humanity , the man may see himself and be regarded by society as having reached a stage of decline ; dissatisfaction with career may culminate in the forties with the realisation that he has reached the end of progress in this respect ; and so on .
22 He saw the place claiming him — this was where he ought to be , to root himself and be rid of those burrs and thorns of fortune , the corruption in his mind and flesh , the evil impulses of his behaviour .
23 Edward , invited to give an account of himself and be frank about it , did so .
24 In addition , the poor horse has spent his first years learning how to balance himself and be able to charge round without tangling his legs up .
25 If Adams ' mixed feelings were understandable , imagine the trauma for Stoddart , who bred the horse himself and was his proud owner until just 48 hours before the race .
26 Dr Williams rang the police himself and was clearly worked up . ’
27 One advantage of this was that the employer or manager was often a part-time farmer/crofter himself and was therefore more understanding of requests for days off or late arrivals in the morning .
28 While there was still the quota of run-of-the-mill assignments on the SMH , he quickly established himself and was offered the better jobs .
29 After half an hour on the bed in the dry heat he was really enjoying himself and was perspiring profusely .
30 Paul regularly runs out of the nursery to play ball in a busy street ; he has also run home by himself and was nearly hit by a lorry .
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