Example sentences of "[pron] [not/n't] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Mind you not that they 've had an awful lot of success recently but they are , really are a cocky lot .
2 This might seem inconsistent with the fact that women were living longer , were it not that longer life brought no immediate improvement in their prospects ; it remained a man 's world .
3 The murmur might become a clamour , were it not that Mr Kinnock is already preparing to leap before being pushed .
4 Ludens 's own relations with Marcus might have been called , from Ludens 's point of view , promising , even satisfactory , were it not that they were also precarious .
5 My respected landladies , who are the double-distilled quintessence of considerateness and island hospitality , would think all good would leave their abodes if a dweller beneath their roof left fasting , so , in spite of all my entreaties to the contrary , a cup of tea was prepared to forestall my start ; and as I walked by the river-side and reached a road that skirts a number of very massive peat-stacks , and displays on the landward side an interminable host of peat-pits , the geniality of the sunshine was felt , and I would gladly have slackened my pace were it not that by so doing my good friends at Gress ( some eight miles from Stornoway , where I was due at eight o'clock , if I remember rightly ) , might have waited breakfast for me .
6 It might therefore have been recommended were it not that it would take someone already well-versed in galactic studies to interpret a text badly translated and poorly proof-read , abounding in misspellings and obscure turns of phrase .
7 ‘ Were it not that Mr Telscombe had business to discuss with Mr Barnet I doubt we should be here at all .
8 The general public could hardly be described by Ritchie as viewing cruelty to domestic pets with ‘ horror ’ were it not that its sympathies were outraged by perceived wrongs .
9 The incident would be funny were it not that a similar stunt had been pulled in Kismayu , southern Somalia 's largest port , at the end of March .
10 In the absence of precise definition , 20s. might be taken as marking the dividing line between husbandmen and labourers , were it not that at Long Preston Edmund Clarke ( nil ) was stated to be servant to Thomas Squyer , who was worth only 6s. 8d .
11 This would seem an over-subtle argument , were it not that studies of style often indicate the importance of such combinatory features in the creation of literary effect .
12 But it was agreed was it not that er there ought to be coupled with that , it seems appropriate when you 're talking about water supplies .
13 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
14 It 's wrong , Mr Deputy Speaker , if they 're living in this country erm on a semi-permanent basis and happen to have been here last October they 'll have a vote so will any everybody else who 's a citizen of the European union , so will peers of the realm who happen to be living elsewhere whether they 're in this country or outside this country under these regulations and previous regulations , have a vote in the European elections and I think it 's wholly wrong that erm citizens of other European countries namely France because that 's the one and it 's remarkable is it not that France is the one that 's gon na be the cause of this whole edifice collapsing if we do n't submit to their extra demands but citizens of France who are citizens living in their colonies , as I 've said in South America , the West Indies and the Pacific , will have a vote in the European elections on June the ninth and yet we have got citizens for whom we are responsible for in this house , we can not shirk it onto anyone else , we deny them the responsibility and I think it 's about time the house addressed this matter .
15 Barrow 's indiscretion brought about Quakers ' goal , although there was n't much quality about it not that Quakers were bothered .
16 so then if we go back to the beginning of this discussion Mr , it must follow must it not that there is a risk , clause nine is inaccurable so as far as all names are
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