Example sentences of "[pron] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 I kept them on a bit too long .
2 I made him take me on a bit farther at the risk of him thinking I lacked the right sexual tactics .
3 In view of the central position of the egg and sperm cell in reproductive biology , we need to look at them in a little more detail .
4 But some of my friends would never tell their brothers a thing like that ; their brothers put them down a lot .
5 It is one sign of the rise of semi-literacy that the descendants of the nineteenth-century civic worthies who took pride in the libraries they opened genuinely can not see any problem in closing them down a hundred years later , or authorising the ruthless dispersal of their stocks built up during that period .
6 It is still used for solvent extraction procedures such as extracting drugs to put them down a chromatography column , ‘ but a lot of people have been replacing it because of its carcinogenicity ’ .
7 We used to chase them down a narrow valley with a sheer cliff-wall at the end . ’
8 But then , if a lot of rabbits were afraid of some newcomers and wanted to deceive them — get them down a hole and attack them — they 'd start — would n't they ? — by sending someone who was plausible .
9 Melt into the Jungle and no-one sees them again until Vic 's researchers track them down a year ago .
10 One of these walks used to take them down a narrow side-street in a busy part of London .
11 He 's toned them down a hell of a lot .
12 That 's right , so we work them down a bit .
13 No , take them down a bit
14 I 'll just file them down a bit .
15 So , in other words , you can push them down a bit .
16 On many occasions a small group of children will be playing with cars , either running them down an incline ( a plank resting on a block ) or pushing them up .
17 He could have disposed of them in a more conclusive way on a bonfire or by throwing them down an old mineshaft . ’
18 Gloria led them along a brick path , across a cobbled courtyard , past outhouses and a dripping water butt , then into the big house and along many passages .
19 The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 embodied his division of the world between them along a not-very-precisely defined meridian line running about 45° West .
20 The route they had taken into the underground passages had led them along a wide , high-ceilinged passageway that was easy to negotiate .
21 The fellow grinned and took them along a dark , smelly passageway into another chamber where the keeper of Newgate , Fitzosbert , was squatting behind a great oak table like a king enthroned in his palace .
22 They must have walked for about another ten minutes and could glimpse the blue wood-smoke rising above the trees from Godstowe village when suddenly the porter stopped , turned left , and led them along a narrow beaten trackway into the forest .
23 ‘ Let me down a bit more ! ’
24 One set of doors led through to where a sign marked ‘ The Studio ’ took me down a flight of stairs to the basement beneath , the cosiness and warmth of which was a welcomed contrast to the watery excesses above .
25 It certainly slowed me down a bit today , and Matt was behind a bush a lot as well .
26 The isolation is getting me down a bit — I have had to seek to be pretty resilient spiritually with George in , and so the extra resources are pretty deplete because of that .
27 I thought I would go and take one of the head ones and journey along down to that place and so , you know , is there any chance you slipping me down a good four long ones and if he says no , think again ?
28 The plot was two corpses gone before we caught sight of ourselves , stripped naked in the middle of nowhere and pouring ourselves down a bottomless well .
29 We 're all prone to do that , were all prone to take the line of least resistance and you find this not just in the truth but in any sort of community in life , in any area of life that wish to go , you , you may find this at work or at school , you youngsters , there 's always a little Johnny at the back is n't it , that , that will fit in the back row and think if I 'm back here teacher wo n't notice you see , were act were actually tuck himself up in the corner and er think well if I 'm , if I 'm up here nobody will notice me and see the day goes by and er we do n't have so much to do , those are the type of people that in , in , in a physical life er sort of going to sleep are n't they , they do n't want to accept responsibility and we , we find even in the truth , you 'll always find it in congregations like we have here in our congregation , we 're not different , we 're all the same are n't we , we 're all flesh and we 're all imperfect and we 're all prone to doing or wanting to do the things that are different or you know than , than what Jehovah wants us to do and we all want to tuck ourselves up a little corner sometimes and yet we should n't be like that and this is what the scriptures tell us and warn us about to put ourselves headlong into the truth , be whole sole , be awake , be alert , be vigilant to the things that are going on and there 's a lot going on in the truth at this particular time , things are changing , the scriptures tell us that the scene of the world is changing and that 's true is n't it ?
30 Yes hopefully yes , we need to get three points , and we 've got to get ourselves up a little bit further up the table and you know , get the pressure off us a bit .
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