Example sentences of "[pron] [was/were] find " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if the Secretary of the Cabinet would go into the box if I were found outside the Ministry of Agriculture .
2 I got up feeling bilious and with a burning headache , wobbling from the previous day 's struggle , as if I were finding my legs after a long illness .
3 But if I were to find such a change taking place while an animal is learning , unless the conditions for that change met all the subsequent criteria , I would be no further forward than the experiments of the 1960s that I criticized in the last chapter .
4 I was found wandering by Mr Ozzy Dunk , a salesman for Golden Touch Sunbed Centres .
5 I was found by Chris sitting not ten yards from Big Tree .
6 I was always on my guard , always playing the ‘ macho ’ role but always worried sick in case I was found out .
7 A friendly wave , before we go , to a most amusing Robert Austin as the earthy , peevish servant , who busts out , at the self-dramatising Laurel , ‘ I was found in a field .
8 I was found Not Guilty .
9 I was found asleep under a hedge , a partly sampled bottle still clutched protectively in my hands .
10 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
11 So now I shall never know , because no one would have thought about twins when I was found .
12 I soon forgot about the heavy object as I was finding it very difficult to keep awake .
13 But I was thankful when the summer holiday started and I could be released from duties I was finding it harder and harder to cope with .
14 I was finding this academic discussion unbearable .
15 Although unladen with any climbing gear — even the daysack was being carried by Singi — I was finding it a hard struggle to make upward progress in the thin , cold air ; surprisingly more so than on Mera Peak when ice-axe , crampons and heavy climbing boots had been used .
16 I was finding him unreachable — except in bed .
17 It seemed to be essential to her sense of identity , but I was finding it wearisome .
18 The area suggested that there could be earlier finds but I was not too disappointed with what I was finding .
19 I was finding out more and more about my quarry 's life .
20 I did not know then what I was to find out later-that I myself was capable of a drastic re-ordering of the system .
21 MAY I take this opportunity to say how relieved I was to find that the August 1992 issue of your splendid magazine was largely free of the indefatigable hostility directed towards rugby league football by its immediate predecessor ?
22 This was an example of Highland hospitality I was to find repeated often .
23 In our history lecture I grasped only the most basic nature of this ‘ wunderkinder ’ warrior creed , but it was something which I was to find permeating the Legion at every level .
24 Perhaps more significantly I was to find out that many Heads and teachers alike believed in the importance of creative experience for children , and so the way schools had developed was genuine , well founded and not a half-baked ill-digested educational " gimmick " .
25 Later I was to find this sort of coincidence recurring .
26 The carp and pike , which were found locally , were kitted out with lavish trimmings and served on the Sabbath and at festivals .
27 Includes remains of some 42 skeletons which were found in the caves .
28 It is believed that these clothes have been taken to Malta for comparison with items purchased there which were found in the suitcase containing the bomb .
29 They identified a variety of factors which were found to be held in common by a number of American companies recognised as meeting the criteria for excellence .
30 A very interesting association appears to exist between cutting and eating disorders , which were found in 15 ( 65 per cent ) out of 23 cutters studied by Rosenthal et al. ( 1972 ) , and in 18 ( 75 per cent ) out of 24 patients reported by Simpson ( 1975 ) .
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