Example sentences of "[pron] [be] like " in BNC.

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1 I 've got this friend who is slim , and she keeps saying she has to go on a diet , so you think : well , if she had to go on a diet , what must I be like ?
2 ‘ Why ca n't I be like some of them girls ! ’
3 Why should I be like this ? ’
4 Would she be like the Misses Cardings , the three spinster ladies who kept the hat shop beyond the tobacconist 's ?
5 What could she be like ?
6 Yes , she had confidence in her voice , but what would she be like when she got out there in front of that terrible voracious animal , the audience ?
7 What would she be like ?
8 ‘ But how can you be like that ? ’
9 ‘ Why ca n't you be like your partner ?
10 How could you be like that ?
11 Our first daughter , Lewis-Ann , sometimes complained : ‘ Why ca n't we be like normal families and go to France or Greece ? ’ she would moan .
12 And so you go back and you say to your brother I just can not give this , it 's impossible you see , well should we be like that ?
13 Did they have their own blacksmiths then , or would there be like in the town that went round ?
14 Obviously eventually if people keep on leaking blood their pressure will fall but you could have a situation where there 's not a single drop of blood yet lost to the system and yet the person 's in shock because the blood 's not being circulated properly off the heart , not a drop of blood lost to the system , but insufficient pressure , so shock can be caused by either of those two things , failure of the circulatory system because the pressure of the volume drops dangerously low , okay , you did a lot of work on what the person looks like , yes you as the casu you as the first aider will see this person in front of you , what will they be like ?
15 What would it be like to be In Love with Dionne rather than just loving her ?
16 But the government troops are devils in the thoroughness of their searching and destroying — would it be like ‘ Forty-six again ?
17 A return seemed unlikely , but at the same time there was this intriguing question : just what would it be like to be up there , 20 pitches out , on a wall as hard as many a belted route , but with no bolts ?
18 Or would it be like the British poll tax , with rich and poor paying the same subject to a complicated system of rebates ?
19 Will it be like this on Thursday ?
20 ‘ What will it be like ? ’ asked Endill .
21 How can it be like both ? ’
22 I want to have this man drive me in his car all night long , for us never to arrive anywhere … but if we should then let the gates swing silently open , let there be a long gravel drive , let it be like when the young master comes home from school .
23 In a few generations , of course , people would want girls again , and values and fashions would change … but in the meantime , what would it be like to be one of an endangered species ?
24 What would it be like to be black and watch the election result in Cheltenham ?
25 What must it be like to have a substantial body of work behind you and yet have the creeping sense that you are being remembered only as a bore in Under the Volcano , as the inventor of a word about Greene , and as the friend of Lowry , of Orwell , of Patrick Hamilton ( himself , something of a forgotten figure ) ?
26 ‘ We started from scratch by saying that if we had a brand new game called rugby what would it be like ?
27 If she had failed to love her mother , she the missionary , what must it be like for people who , without God , had not even got a Christian obligation to try ?
28 What must it be like for Joshua ?
29 Would they find each other much changed , or would it be like it was when he had come back from school for the holidays ?
30 What must it be like to be imprisoned here , day after day , month after month ?
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