Example sentences of "[pron] [to-vb] even " in BNC.

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1 And he has realised that he had nothing to lose even if I am spying for Carlotta .
2 but if they are wankers nothing you do , and including , I mean I 've done it in the past , slowed right down and nine times out of ten it jus it just incenses them to drive even closer .
3 Hold it up , now you 're reducing the pressure to the area because the heart 's got to pump harder to get it up there okay , so we hold the hand or the limb higher than the heart and that will reduce the pressure still further , the ends of the blood vessels contract so how can we help them to contract even more ?
4 These otherwise humble humans are almost totally deaf ( well , they can hear after a fashion and even utter a few ponderously slow , deep drawling growls , but they only use these sounds for rudimentary purposes like communicating with each other ; they do n't seem capable of using them to detect even the most massive objects ) .
5 During the first visit he was in such low spirits he could not bring himself to meet even the faithful Cottle ; during the second , in early April , optimism and humour had sufficiently returned for him to relish a meeting with one especially talkative woman on his homeward walk .
6 There 's plenty to do even if the sun stops shining .
7 I 'll tell you about Evan Roberts later , and there 's plenty to tell even to those who buy a magazine simply because it says Climber on the cover .
8 Your response to this letter and our meeting , will , I hope , allow me to enhance even further 's position under my Will , which needs changing following a bereavement .
9 What is it about Peter Cook or John Hegley that predisposes me to smile even before they open their mouths ?
10 ( Notice that the case in the picture has had its power supply and disk drives removed to allow you to see even more . )
11 Approximately 20 extra fonts for the excellent Neopaint paint package to enable you to produce even more varied DTP work .
12 Approximately 20 extra fonts for the excellent Neopaint paint package to enable you to produce even more varied DTP work .
13 This allows you to make even more room in Upper memory by relocating ROMs .
14 There are , indeed , Christians of certain sects who would have nothing to do even with other Christians , who do not , for example , allow their children to bring their school friends home , to accept invitations to their parties , or to receive presents from them , even when those friends claim to come from committed Christian homes .
15 There are five main contenders for the best-paid job in government ( at £106,750 it would leave something to spare even under Labour 's tax regime ) .
16 And that means you 'll find something to do even if you have a large family to entertain or young children to keep amused .
17 Within a few years the improved navigability of the river Don enabled them to compete even more successfully in distant markets .
18 I tried getting him slimmer once as I thought it might help him to jump even better , but it did n't suit him .
19 His nationalisation and fury at British exploitation made it impossible for him to compromise even if it was clear that this policies were self-destructive .
20 Windfalls : In the Amazon area there are large numbers of fish that feed off seeds falling from trees ; their teeth and jawbones would allow they to crack even brazil nuts ( something to think about while you struggle with your nut-crackers this Christmas ) .
21 She could n't get her to walk even a little way from the house .
22 The glitter in his hooded eyes made it impossible for her to hazard even the wildest guess at what he was thinking .
23 He had gone from her , leaving her life too empty for her to wish even to kill herself .
24 It might not be just to press philosophical objections , since it is obvious that a rhetorical question does not commit him to ignore even the most imminent of coming events .
25 Nothing could induce her to take even a morsel into her mouth — the imperious strength of a child 's sense of taste forbade it utterly .
26 When you exacerbate this situation by confronting him with direct questioning or something which intimidates him and causes him to feel even more nervous , his breathing can become so rapid and so shallow that it borders on hyperventilation .
27 In the meantime , both his doubts and his fear of death caused him to become even more serious and resolute in seeking ‘ first …
28 But it is n't something they 'll expect her to confide even if they know about it .
29 ‘ YER'LL'AV TA FILL YER CUPS LAOW ’ ( to two po-faced caravanners who were fussily clamping a magnetic spirit level onto their trailer in an unsuccessful attempt to get it to stand even — and to think caravans originated with gipsies ! ) .
30 Platelet , right , it 's the platelet that help clot okay , so how can we help it to clot even more ?
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