Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] you " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are not going to have them say you are some kind of dickhead . ’
2 What sort of build-up d' ya want to give me d' ya want people to have of you .
3 I wo n't let a one of them touch you again . ’
4 Wot d' you mean ? ’
5 There are such men in this city , and even to see them , never mind to touch them or have them kiss you , or see them just before dawn , or to have them as one of your dear friends , is one of the great pleasures of our life , and it is commoner than most people think .
6 For example , if I perceive you to be friendly , then I am likely to act in a friendly manner towards you .
7 ‘ Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen , it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the magic of television … ‘
8 I find the girls , I introduce you , I get the evening on an upward parabola , and you just sit there glowering away like Hagen in Götterdämmerung , if you 'll excuse the cultural allusion . ’
9 I introduce you to my friend — ’
10 I commend you , by the way , for insisting on arriving early , for as the set time approaches they will tighten their surveillance at their ports of entry .
11 Middleton 's body was washed up sometime later on the south coast of England , the country he had fought for so valiantly , and I commend you to read Chaz Bowyer 's citation , which embraces the official citation for Middleton 's VC , in his book The Bomber VCs .
12 I do n't want anyone to suspect that I favour you over your sisters , which is something they already fear because of our business connection . ’
13 I despise you , and I despise myself for needing you , but I do need . ’
14 He passed on his concern in a letter to Prince , who , as the ever-nervous and expectant recipient , was clearly in a state of anguish about it : ‘ I regret you should have determined upon embarking any portion of your Property in V.D.L. because from the ignorance of the parties whose names you mention , I fear least they should turn out Sharks and it would be a source of deep mortification to me were you by these means to lose any portion of the advantages you have obtained by years of anxiety and deep mental study . ’
15 Has something … someone upset you ? ’
16 ‘ What do I say to your father if I mislay you ? ’
17 ‘ And when he said , ‘ I declare you man and wife ’ , everyone threw their hats into the air ! ’
18 I declare you are so much like your papa — whose soul God pardon — that it eases my sorrowing heart !
19 ‘ I do n't mean just about me ; I mean you really do n't care whether you live or die .
20 I mean you are mostly white , mostly north-eastern , Yale , Harvard types .
21 I mean you ca n't have .
22 I mean you can follow me . ’
23 I mean you take a mug of cocaine at night before you go to bed . ’
24 I mean you 've got to keep the Home Fires Burning , Grin and Bear it , make him Feel Welcome — although see when he 's up at midnight frying eggs and he spatters grease all over my good ceramic hob I could brain him so I could — but I just tell myself he 's Not Home Forever and I bite my tongue .
25 I mean you get Sweet Fanny Adams done with them on the run up to Christmas anyway , E.l.S .
26 I mean you say ‘ I 'm only a housewife ’ , and then some man comes home and thinks you 've done fuck-all all day .
27 I mean you no harm .
28 I mean you really would n't yourself , not you yourself , I mean , if it was you , I mean … ’
29 I mean you just repeat what I say , but slowed down .
30 I mean you look at yourself and you 've got a black face and a Cockney accent and you realize you do n't fit .
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