Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cos people often used to say to me because I 'd , I 'd played everything you could play except golf , and , and er , and I , I , people used to say you did two men 's work and you I , I met a chap one day , this was an instance , I 'm not trying to blow me trumpet do n't think that at all .
2 Yes erm listening to the punters I mean I know loads of people come up here and there 's one thing which all of them tend to say and that this place is threatening .
3 Always work a sample for tension with these lace patterns , fabrics with holes in them tend to need fewer stitches because the work becomes more elastic .
4 Each knows the weaknesses in its own and in the other approaches and therefore debates between them tend to result in predictable discussions within a well-trodden terrain .
5 Fads breed products with a short life-cycle , such as pop records and other leisure items ; fashions tend to develop or reappear over the course of years , and the products which follow them tend to have a relatively long life-cycle .
6 An additional problem that has dogged personality theories is that of tautology ; if the categories are to mean anything , they must not be identified only by the fact that the people who fall into them tend to commit crimes .
7 Whole oats need to be fed in a larger quantity , as a proportion of them tend to pass undigested through the horse ; and crushed oats are usually smashed into oblivion , and reduced to a poor quality feed of husks and dust .
8 Age hopes its early move will gain it market support ahead of competitors such as Leeds , UK-based Visionware Ltd and Ontorio , Canada-based Hummingbird Communications Ltd , both of whom intend to release similar 32-bit products once NT emerges .
9 It may well be that some of them regret having made the decision .
10 You 're going to help me make to make a birthday cake for Jim remember .
11 We should extend the same decency to English people who come to live in Scotland , the vast majority of whom want to integrate into the community while retaining their own distinctive national identity .
12 European directors of the World Bank and IMF , some of whom want to help Vietnam make economic reforms , criticise the American veto .
13 Let us also remember the country of Zaire and all missionaries who were evacuated , many of whom long to return again .
14 There are many clinical features in common among these treponematoses and some of them appear to go through similar stages and periods of latency .
15 Many of them appear to have been angered and disappointed at the church 's suppression of the proposed scheme .
16 The Secretary of State put before us a whole catalogue of countries that have ballistic missile capability , and a substantial number of them appear to have embarked on a nuclear weapons programme .
17 This reflects the overall size of these departments , and the fact that all of them appear to have the resources to cover all of the earth science sub-disciplines in depth .
18 This reflects the overall size of these departments , and the fact that all of them appear to have the resources to cover all of the earth science sub-disciplines in depth .
19 Both of them appear to suffer from a form of mental myopia in imagining the consequences of such proposals , and I am not here referring only to Mill-type consequences of harm brought about by unwise decisions .
20 This is all the more necessary because , although some facilitating devices such as information agreements may be made the subject of prohibitions , the majority of them appear to escape these .
21 Second , having set up syntagmatic units , we shall observe that many of them appear to operate in a variety of grammatical environments , and we shall have to ask ourselves whether some differences of grammatical usage of a particular form do not merit recognition as separate lexical items .
22 me want to do a da , da , da , da , da , da , da , da , da , da , da , da
23 Me eat , me want to eat them
24 Mummy me want to eat them in the high chair
25 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
26 ‘ I do n't know ’ , the Dowager Countess leaned close to Lucille , ‘ why some of them bother to dress at all !
27 But 1 believe they will have to try , and will most of them want to do so .
28 ‘ I think the book said a lot of them want to do it . ’
29 ‘ They must be on some bonus for the FA Cup semi final — none of them want to miss it !
30 Erm , the executive are accepting all these motions but on a couple of them want to put in a speaker with a statement and er after twenty one will to put that statement to the C E C. I now call composite twenty abolition of Wages Councils South Western Region to move , G M B Scotland to second .
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