Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] are " in BNC.

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1 I you are short of space and have a conveniently placed wall , then a lean-to model is an option .
2 And er I I you are going to be in thee and I going to thee in you .
3 Whenever you are interacting with someone you are to a greater or lesser extent trying to influence them .
4 Establishing rapport is the process of getting on the right wavelength with someone — usually , but not inevitably , with someone you are meeting for the first time .
5 When you telephone someone you are more likely to intrude at an inconvenient time and not realize it .
6 Then try the same experiment with a stranger , or someone you are having an argument with .
7 Whatever happens do not try to be someone you are not .
8 The last I heard Trish was going to become a teacher , I mean I I we are supposed to be trying to think about whether we can have a sh a panel that we of people that we can call on for the short term crisis appointments or whatever , but
9 This is true whether the loss is small and relatively trivial or if total and of the greatest importance , such as losing through death someone we are deeply attached to .
10 ‘ We could n't take the risk of blowing so much money on someone we are unsure of , ’ said Toulon 's manager Roland Courbiss , ‘ I wanted Charlie in the team but we had to be sure because of his reputation . ’
11 The argument for this might be based on the claim that when we speak to someone we are using a ‘ code ’ , and the most efficient codes do not use unnecessary symbols .
12 Do n't forget it is not just ourselves we are putting at risk .
13 However , by keeping our thoughts to ourselves we are often depriving that person of information which could be very helpful .
14 If we accept the possibility — and sometimes , perhaps , the fact — within ourselves we are forearmed against unpleasant possibilities and if we can face it squarely we are likely to work more effectively with any child in question .
15 Thus when someone hears of the death of someone they are close to the reaction is , ‘ But it ca n't be true . ’
16 I do n't think enough emphasis is put on tackling — if you make a 30-yard break at home you get some polite applause , but if you put a really big hit on someone they are up on their feet shouting in the stands .
17 The objects of their fantasy tend to be someone they are with at the time , often a work colleague .
18 In a mature relationship imitation is replaced by reciprocation , in which the parties frankly recognise their differences while resisting the temptation to think that ‘ because my ways are different from yours they are therefore better ’ .
19 I mean is there nobody you are fond of ?
20 Once again , the Regional Arts Association will know the leading amateur companies in your area , and this should certainly help you in looking for the kind of group to which you are best suited .
21 The question of accent is important too — you need to be confident of the accent with which you are working , and it is always advisable to present an accent you are familiar with or at least can work with comfortably .
22 Learning thoroughly the piece which you are going to do is important .
23 And how much more , wrote Harsnet , when the project on which you are engaged is the major project of your life , the project of your life .
24 Good balance is the effective control over your centre of gravity , relative to the direction in which you are delivering the ball .
25 Do the same in the terms of the culture which you are trying to examine
26 It is then the publisher 's responsibility to see that you receive the money which you are due .
27 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
28 If you attempt to cut it with a knife , remove the thick brown skin from the portion to be sliced , paying great attention to the direction in which you are cutting — it is very easy for the knife to slip and the blade must travel away from you .
29 Jesus Christ several times appeared to her with a sweet and gracious countenance , saying to her to rouse her courage , ‘ remember my love , that the bed of the cross on which I died for love of you was harder , narrower and more painful than that on which you are now lying' ’ .
30 Someone once said that you were n't much interested in politics except of the musical variety , of which you are a consummate master ; but you have been friendly with a number of leading politicians , including two British Prime Ministers .
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