Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 probably it would be the efficiency with which my artists ' careers are dealt with , and my brain .
2 At least two of my contemporaries ' mothers were asked where their newborn babies ' tails were .
3 Like , the kids were my kids ' age , and , like , my kids still believe in Santa .
4 I sell Amway products because the company operates only by direct selling ( not through retail shops ) , and I saw being a distributor as a chance for me to raise funds for NCT ( and my kids ' playgroup ! )
5 ‘ We should have had seven or eight but I think my lads ' New Year resolution is to turn my hair completely grey — we simply must find some consistency . ’
6 I felt that this conversation was adding little to my , or my listeners ' , knowledge of how to buy a coffin , so I thanked him kindly for his time and said goodbye .
7 The telephone answering machine , and my clients ' willingness to talk to me at unusual hours of the day and night , kept me firmly in touch .
8 The skilful dealer does all he can to maintain the illusion , by for example , saying reassuringly : " My clients ' interests are my own . "
9 If you are able to meet my clients ' price expectations by revising your offer , I would then propose that you meet with them this month to exchange their and your thoughts for the future .
10 Therefore despite the very real difficulties of trying to force ‘ emic ’ data into analytical categories of my own devising , I have classified my informants ' communityoriented responses into nine categories of community-level effect .
11 " These are mine , " he said , " for naturally I ca n't give you pears from my brothers ' share . "
12 The first record I ever bought was " Love and Marriage " , the second was Lonnie Donegan " Diggin " My Potatoes ' .
13 As discussions ensue , I am frequently surprised by the rigidity of my enquirers ' attitudes .
14 I do have to thank on behalf of my stewards ' committee er , Terry who gave us a lot of help and also the er , Regional Section who also helped us .
15 With a neat and elegant sideways kick of her high-heeled white sandal , she closed the door behind her and sat herself down opposite me in my visitors ' chair .
16 Tarver still has copies of the original EP for sale if anybody wants to hear My Captains ' Joy Div-derived music at this late stage .
17 Sometimes when we 'd been out to clubs Bernie would give me a lift home to my parents ' , right out in Greenford where we 'd moved just about the time I started keeping twilight hours .
18 I very much wanted to continue with my studies but had to get married in accordance with my parents ' wishes .
19 The thing is her marriage was against her in-laws ' wishes and against my parents ' .
20 As I approached the house , I noticed that my parents ' bedroom light was still on .
21 She has recently left home , and whenever they talk about her my parents ' voices are disapproving , as if she has gone off the rails in some way which they do n't specify .
22 I met a lot of people at my parents ' house , including many people of real ability , and that I was always grateful for .
23 I had been at St Andrew 's House barely a week , when a telegram arrived at my parents ' home :
24 My shrink says it 's my parents ' fault .
25 I took with me , against my parents ' will , a treasured possession : a plank of wood .
26 After midnight , there would be a family get-together at my parents ' house ; I still wanted to take part in it , however far from home I was .
27 The journey had made her worse , and when she reached my parents ' house , she collapsed in pain on the settee , from where she was unable to get up .
28 The first thing I had to learn was that my parents ' use of guilt was not for my benefit but for theirs .
29 My parents ' solution was to take Ann into their bed , and Robert and I did what we could to look after them .
30 The print , called ‘ Suspense ’ , hung over my parents ' bed and from a very early age I wished that I could have a dog like that — have a look at the picture of my Nip on page 110 .
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