Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] into " in BNC.

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1 I published the results in a book called Manwatching and for twenty years continued my investigations into that bizarre species Homo sapiens .
2 ‘ I could sink my claws into his flesh too , ’ she was saying instead , ‘ even thinking of making advances to my family ! ’
3 ‘ I sank down on my knees and thrust my fingers into the dry warm sand . ’
4 We did n't get far , but I really got my teeth into caddying .
5 I sat on the wheelbarrow and sank my teeth into a fresh loaf .
6 ‘ I want to sink my teeth into you ’
7 I leapt on to his back , fists flying , and sank my teeth into his shoulder , drawing blood .
8 Hill now heads towards the faster European Grands Prix in France , Silverstone and Germany with confidence high , saying : ‘ I can get my teeth into those circuits .
9 Ca n't wait to get my teeth into it !
10 I change out of my pyjamas into them to write
11 ‘ Because I listen to a lot of jazz and classical music and the others listen to harder stuff , I find it a challenge to try and incorporate my influences into what we do , ’ Adam enthuses , dropping in the expression ‘ be-bop hardcore ’ to pinpoint his guitar quirks .
12 This meant that not only did the boots weigh more than a small car , but I was obliged to wear four pairs of socks to stop my feet moving about in them and turning my heels into chilli con carne .
13 You ca n't run with a baby , and I 'm not going to drag my kids into the sort of life I 've been living .
14 I opened my eyes into a black web .
15 Mr. Galbraith : Perhaps , not being a classics or English scholar , I have trouble putting my words into a form that the Minister can understand .
16 Seventeen blissful years with nary a thought of green sunblock , purple reflective goggles or navy blue knockers and not a knot in my stomach , in anticipation of hurtling off a glacier with sweat running down my longjohns into my boot-bindings .
17 I am told by my Mother that I was a charming baby ; I used to he in the middle of the bed , kick my legs into the air and coo all day long .
18 Then he took me in both hands and pushed my legs into the top of the bone .
19 I felt fine — refreshed almost — my leg a little sore but not enough to impede me , although I did wonder at the wisdom of the ‘ cute red heels and hose ’ as I wriggled my feet into the 4-inch-high stilettos .
20 While she was looking for her other shoe , I stuffed my feet into trainers — no socks — and pulled on my Steel Wheels Tour sweatshirt .
21 PAMELA : [ interrupting ] Aye , but on a Thursday was your poor Pamela baptised , on a Thursday my lady took me from my parents into her protection .
22 I 'd been having to dig my nails into the palm of my hand very hard in order to stop the tears streaming , which I could n't let happen as I was to speak next and needed to keep steady .
23 I dug my nails into my palm .
24 Pure terror-driven reflex brought the mini-blazers in my wristbands into action .
25 She picked up my hand , put my fingertips into her open mouth , twisted my hand and kissed my palm noisily .
26 John became ‘ rather cool and offhand ’ now that he was master of the situation , ‘ bringing all my charms into action , but making it seem that I was very blasé about the whole thing . ’
27 Going down to the hospital basement and disrobing in a utility room full of bleach bottles and moulting mops was a tantalisingly prosaic prelude to my voyages into inner space .
28 It really helped me to get my feelings into perspective .
29 ‘ I 'd willingly plunge all my earnings into the estate , but I suppose it would be a drop in the ocean . ’
30 That hand of mine wo n't go the right shape although I 've tried , I knew it would deform joints and so I put all my efforts into spreading them the opposite way , but I have n't won on that one , can you see ?
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