Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Nothin' between here and Russia if you ask me .
2 For natural selection acts by either now adapting the various parts of each being to its conditions of life , or by having adapted them during long past periods of time ’ .
3 The signalbox at Kirton Lindsey was the subject of an unexplained occurrence that was to baffle everyone for ever .
4 Inflation has made them worth as little as 1/2p .
5 He was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed , and had said nothing for over an hour .
6 My mate goes five times a week and she ai n't had nothing for over twelve months .
7 Unlike lead , which the fuel companies eventually proved only too pleased to take out of petrol , sulphur does nothing for either the performance or longevity of diesel engines and it contributes to acid rain .
8 It 's , I , I mean these , these , the work with , with the original action network seems to , seems to come and go , you 've got a very large amount at one point and then nothing for sometime , it just depends er , I think which country they 're targeting and how much there is , because we had quite a lot on Malawi did n't we during the early part on last year not much on South Africa recently , as if they do n't quite know what to do , you know with the situation there it 's not quite er clarified .
9 He said nothing for almost the whole of the twenty minutes , until he got up and carried his plate and cup to the sink and then said , as he left the room , ‘ I see .
10 Why , even when complaints are made , are they often inadequately dealt with , why is there no compensation and why do people sometimes hear nothing for far too long ?
11 Natasha sighed audibly and said nothing for so long Charlotte thought she had walked away from the telephone .
12 The usual pattern is that you take several fish one after the other , and then nothing for perhaps an hour , then several more fish in quick succession , and so on , until either you run out of bait or you have caught the whole shoal .
13 I 'll just do them through here .
14 If there are problems , le we could work them through together , but I think this is much more interesting to be , sort o I think to be linked in with an outside project like this , and just to be working away in isolation , and so we 'll feel our way experimentally .
15 So take them through there acid plus calcium , acid plus alkali calcium hydroxide acid plus base calcium oxide .
16 They did not know when accident or sickness would hit them , and though they knew that some time in middle age — perhaps in the forties for unskilled labourers , perhaps in the fifties for the more skilled — they would become incapable of doing a full measure of adult physical labour , they did not know what would happen to them between then and death .
17 Further processes have been identified and teams will start on them between now and December .
18 I regarded it with distaste , decided that the rain would have washed it reasonably clean , then dragged it clear of the bog myrtle and looked around me for somewhere to dump it out of sight .
19 I was n't driving for an hour , you were n't following me for either an hour or forty miles .
20 Hermanns has been with me for over twenty years ; he is the best recording engineer I know .
21 I had one chap who worked for me for over two years without one accident , did n't scratch anything , did everything right , he was a wonderful conscientious man , and then one day he was carrying a big box containing some expensive crockery and he tripped on the top step of the stairs and the lot went down , the whole box went right to the bottom .
22 I permit the incidents of the past to haunt me for just seven days of each year .
23 But do n't admire me for just being able to speak and stand still .
24 But Toby was n't God , except to me for just that second , and he 'd been hurt .
25 Now let me for just a few minutes , look forward if that 's not too presumptuous for a chair who is moving out .
26 Have you finished with me for tonight ? ’
27 He 's been secretly watching me for nearly two years .
28 Blame me for not preventing it , I dare say . ’
29 ‘ Please forgive me for not remembering you , Georgi Kirov .
30 ‘ And you see , if you tell him I had n't felt well , he 'd be so cross with me for not waking him up . ’
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