Example sentences of "[pron] [be] have " in BNC.

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1 Three coal mines in Yorkshire which employ fifteen hundred people between them are to have their futures reviewed with the intention of closing them down .
2 And all of them are having to deal with innovation in some way or other .
3 Many of them are having more babies .
4 A lot of them are having nervous breakdowns or sort of ruining their family life because
5 I been having a little think , ’ said Ron Paget .
6 ‘ Tatum and I are having marital problems , just as many other married couples do , ’ McEnroe said in a statement .
7 My brother and I are having a few people in for a drink before lunch on Sunday .
8 Screen clinches : people assume that Craig and I are having an affair .
9 Marie 's so pretty and lovely , I want everyone to see us , so they 'll say how grown up and lucky I am to have such a lovely girlfriend .
10 ‘ So I am to have no privacy ? ’ she said flatly .
11 He is going , Alida thought in despair , and no more is to be done , no examination is to be made , tranquillisers are the only treatment I am to have … . ‘ a full medical check-up only one month before . ’
12 I have begun to Fence which is a man 's game and I am to have my uncle Sette 's foil when next we go to England which may be in the summer .
13 In passing , I might say how extraordinarily lucky I am to have them here with me .
14 ‘ I was just thinking how lucky I am to have a wife like you . ’
15 But if I am to have a horse it must be Han Ch'in 's .
16 We shall take up residence in autumn , not later , for I am to have another child close to Christmas , I believe .
17 ‘ Dear friends — how honoured I am to have you at my party for another year , a very , very special year in many ways .
18 You have already second , but I was going to second it , and say how very pleased I am to have the opportunity to second it .
19 ‘ Well , how very lucky I am to have an assistant with her feet planted so very firmly on the ground !
20 Certainly , the idea that when I look at my spectacles and think ‘ So that 's where I put them ’ I am having thousands of other little thoughts at the same time is a silly idea , and some would say that the doctrine of the holism of the mental is just a silly idea .
21 I am having problems selecting the larger fish in my water where the average run of the mill fish are between 2 lb an 4 lb .
22 I am having difficulty holding a large waggler still on a 11 foot deep lake when it 's windy .
23 I had nearly drowned , just lost the largest trout I was ever likely to see , and she asks if I am having fun ?
24 ‘ Well , to tell the truth , John , I am having a devil of a time with a contract in Cirencester .
25 It is ignored for cast after cast , using a new crust each time of course , but I am not surprised for I am having great difficulty keeping the line from bowing , for the current is slightly faster between the crust and the bank .
26 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
27 Since I made an arrangement with the man in your office I am having a baby and my doctor says I should be getting more of it .
28 ‘ This is an eggciting party ’ , ‘ I am feeling eggstatic ’ , ‘ I am having an eggcilerating time ’ , ‘ Do not eggagerate ’ .
29 I am having trouble with my 3′ community tank , set up with an undergravel filter and two powerheads .
30 I am having problems with my two foot Red-Tailed Catfish which has been fasting for two weeks .
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