Example sentences of "[pron] [be] so " in BNC.

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1 The hundred books on the table in front of me are so many tongs that pinch out the nerve of independent thought … one can not go one 's own way independently enough " ; and , from 1868 , a sardonic dismissal of " the philologists of our time " for " their joy at capturing worms and their indifference to the true problems , the urgent problems of life " .
2 ‘ Most of them are so crazy for drugs they would kill their own mothers to get cash to buy them .
3 Even if teachers were given the time and opportunity to develop their professional lives in the ways they felt most suitable , the questions and dilemmas that face them are so many and so deep that it is indeed a daunting task .
4 The gaps between them are so big that if you plunge your arm through into the mantle , the clam is quite unable to grip it — though the experiment is a little less unnerving if it is tried first with a post .
5 ‘ Some of them are so thick they thought I was fighting against England in Spain .
6 Some of them are so faded on the top that when you they 're not they 're not the colour you think they are .
7 Now careful as you pick the packets up because some of them are so old .
8 But it became obvious on the next pitch that even had I been so inspired we would not have progressed much further .
9 Never have I been so reviled , never , and I have taken it all , knowing him to be old and alone , and I … ’
10 Never since the war began had I been so happy .
11 But now Don and I are so straight it 's not true .
12 Prunella and I are so careful .
13 I feel almost ashamed that Tony and I are so lucky .
14 ‘ Your mother and I are so pleased you are so happy .
15 Charles and I are so sorry to miss you and most grateful to you for guarding our chattels while we gallivant round Italy .
16 But and I are so used to early rising now that we were awake betimes as usual .
17 ‘ … suddenly I became free by some secret action , and now I am so happy I found your letter concerning my person .
18 I am so disappointed , she said .
19 We are anticipating a hard match , and that is one of the reasons why I am so pleased to have Bryan ( Robson ) back .
20 After the hearing he said : ‘ I am so pleased that my character and reputation has been cleared .
21 That 's why I am so simpliste .
22 I am so pleased to think that his kind of socialism ‘ without the state ’ is now coming to the fore again in Labour politics .
23 I am so discontented with my work .
24 I am so sorry , ’ she said , then went out shrieking with laughter .
25 When I drive off , I am so churned up inside that I find myself hoping I sha n't make things worse by having a coronary on the way to work . ’
26 I am so lucky , ’ she said , ‘ the water in these two hot-water bottles will still be warm enough by the morning for my bath . ’
27 I am so very pleased , sir .
28 I am so sorry , mademoiselle . ’
29 PS I am so grateful for the £48 a week you let me have .
30 I am so pleased to meet you .
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