Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you would prefer me to drive I can drive , ’ said the man .
2 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
3 ‘ I felt for a lot of years I did have a lot to lose , when there was only one way to go and that was down , and when things did n't go the way I wanted them to go I blamed others .
4 Not a one of them realized I was not human .
5 Why does everyone think I 'm food !
6 It made me think I was going to abuse my own kids .
7 The angle of the lamp cord on the bar made me think I saw a hearing-aid cable extending from Fielding 's ear .
8 Er ye well er , it was when , no let me think I went to Ipswich , I did a till the First War ended .
9 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
10 I prefer Beethoven , actually I 'm not sure I do prefer Beethoven , but had you said Bach I would have preferred that , but I do n't see that that I mean you 're implying that that makes me better , or at least makes me think I 'm better than somebody who likes Madonna , and that I do n't agree with .
11 When he told me to strip I refused , saying that I would change my clothes only if he left the room .
12 Everyone thinks I 'm well now ; the doctors let me discharge myself from hospital , and consider my ‘ amenorrhoea ’ ( lack of periods ) a complete mystery , something to do with growing up .
13 But what drove him on was less his outsize libido than his desire to prove a point and win public acclaim : ‘ Everyone thinks I 'm going to die .
14 I work hard at dull , practical things , she thought , and so everyone thinks I must be mature and reliable and sensible ; but really it 's because I ca n't cope with the other things , the things that are frightening and dangerous .
15 Everyone thinks I do n't and I do . ’
16 I tried a light laugh , ’ Everyone thinks I have the phetam , just because I 'm a well-known courier . ’
17 Everyone thinks I 'm an expert at all this stuff , and there 's no one I can ask .
18 Everyone thinks I killed Micky Banks .
19 Everyone thinks I 'm cold .
20 Ed was just like a one off and I 'm not forward any more at all and , you know , everyone thinks I am you know and Pete thought right I 'm in for a good time here , you know , I can probably get her you know , and so Charlie would have to carry out his part .
21 I hope no-one thinks I came up with it . ’
22 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
23 He 's got to go to those trustees and let them know I 'm capable of handling my own money . ’
24 I find some offences disgust me , Im let the guy know , but then I let them know I want to help them
25 and a couple of days with nothing happening I 'm saying , well , at least it 's started clearing up , but then
26 painting the kitchen once and I got into so much trouble it took him so long to rub it all off and start again , he made me promise I 'd never touch a paint brush again but he I mean , he would definitely be able to tell you what paint he used and
27 He made me promise I would n't say anything about it . ’
28 One girl was a hard , chain-smoking sales machine letting me know I could not set up a multi-national congress without multi-national advertising .
29 She did n't try overhard , she just wanted to let me know I was secure with her , that the break-up of my parents ' marriage was n't the worst thing that ever happened , and that she had enough love to cover us all .
30 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
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