Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] high " in BNC.

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1 If I can look out from my window high
2 He also said that I would have to become dedicated , my lifestyle would have to change and , most importantly , that I must set my sights high .
3 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
4 If I go at the end of the season , then I will have done my best , and can hold my head high . ’
5 I stood up , waited until he noticed me , took one last look round , then waved my hands high over my head and threw myself flat .
6 Where a technical problem is of great importance to a buying organisation , its visibility high and its solution difficult , any supplier who can solve it will gain immense bargaining power .
7 After the banquet an Italian performed a subtle and cunning rope trick , then a troupe of girls danced a vigorous whirling jig which left the faces of the spectators , as well as theirs , red with excitement as they kicked their legs high and let their skirts go up , revealing to all and sundry what lay beneath .
8 Aware of the history of that awful bloody confrontation throughout the 1969–70 tour , the new-era Springboks are determined to keep their heads high and their political profile low .
9 That was undoubtedly a legacy of her childhood , she thought resignedly — a throw-back to the days when she and her mother had been forced to hold their heads high and attempt to ignore the pointing fingers .
10 Holding her tray high , she moved on down the passageway .
11 She threw herself backwards on to the wooden desk , and swung her legs high above her .
12 Suddenly , she felt the younger man push her down on to her back , and lift her legs high .
13 As she kicked her legs high the air
14 Her jeans were very tight , her feet tiny and her heels high .
15 RANDOM Century Audiobooks offer two-cassette abridged readings of books which have been or shortly will be in the public eye — prize-winners , high-profile new publications , books newly made into films — and the company set their readers high standards .
16 Sarah tried to run , lifting her feet high in the snow and stumbling over snow-encrusted tussocks of heather but suddenly , to her consternation , the dog disappeared .
17 He was terrified that she might ‘ drop it ’ in the corridor , and so , to put his mind at rest , she told him she was only three months on , whereas in fact she was six , but carried her offspring high , so that it did n't show too much .
18 What I did n't say was that I had n't been making love to her but to Alison , taking her from behind on the kitchen table , her rump high in the air and her toes squirming helplessly an inch or two off the floor .
19 Carewscourt , standing on its hill high above the surrounding countryside , took the full brunt of it .
20 All right then , she thought , her courage high , she had also been extremely happy while she was having her affair with Tom .
21 The RUC keeps its profile high and costs low .
22 After that , growth was relatively slow up to 1981 — during which period high unemployment built up ; and then again faster — despite which unemployment , though now failing , has remained high .
23 She put her nose high in the air and stalked up the garden .
24 How can that be when the water workers have , by an odd quirk of fate , left her constituents high and dry , long before the dispute had a chance to hit anyone else ?
25 Its defenders say that they will always keep its price high and carefully screen potential owners , as a way of protecting it .
26 Extra finance was forthcoming to meet the two-year waiting list target by April 1992 and Regional Health Authorities were instructed to give its achievement high priority .
27 A slender new crescent moon lay on its back high in the clear night sky .
28 She tried gamely to hold her head high and proud , but to no avail .
29 Her voice was clear and confident , her head high .
30 Then she elbowed her way through them with her head high .
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