Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Other non-Leeds players who have impressed me are Terry McDermott when with Liverpool in late 70 's and Jeremy Goss of Norwich this season .
2 The 1633 ‘ Uyttenbogaert ’ fits that bill with the additional advantages of being both a representation of an important figure in Dutch religious history ( although the Rijksmuseum already has a portrait of him by Rembrandt 's contemporary Jacob Backer ) and universally accepted as authentic by the members of the Rembrandt Research Project , some of whom are Rijksmuseum curators .
3 I am immensely kindly supported in my lonely periods here by a whole host of interesting and talented friends — nearly all of whom are John 's age or nearer yours as it so happens .
4 Most notable amongst them are Mark Tompkins 's Great Voltigeur winner Bob 's Return and John Dunlop 's Geoffrey Freer Stakes hero Azzilfi .
5 No , a lot of them are Poole then are they ?
6 so most of them are London Gatwick or Manchester .
7 Talking to them are Dr John Stewart and Dr Jimmy Young .
8 Among them are Joseph Raffael , Don Eddy , John Okulick , Juan Gonzalez , Peter Plagens — the list is long .
9 Among them are Alan Peacock , Len Shackleton , Stan Anderson and Bobby Kerr .
10 Half of them are Morton , half of them are English and the other half are Irish , so erm we have our own little family little battles as to who 's supporting who in football matches and stuff like that .
11 Sandwiched between them are Gloucester who lost their 100 per cent record at Saracens , the London club holding them to a 12–12 draw .
12 ‘ Half of them are KGB , and I would n't trust the other half , ’ he said bitterly .
13 The basic texts which explain them are Tukey ( 1977 ) and Erickson and Nosanchuk ( 1977 ) , who supply an exploratory counterpart to every confirmatory technique .
14 Some of them are Suardale men — and Drynoch men ! ’
15 Above them are SS Adalbert and Sigismund .
16 Among them are Rick and Lulu Williams , and Chris and Flis Lane .
17 Among them are Jack Dromey , of the Transport and General Workers Union ; Martin Jacques , former editor of Marxism Today ; and Gerald Holtham , an economist with Lehman Brothers .
18 Had I been Victor Kiam , I would have flogged off the shavers and bought the company .
19 ‘ I suppose , Lanyon , ’ he said , ‘ that you and I are Henry Jekyll 's oldest friends ? ’
20 Having spent some of my limited time pouring over heavy ( in weight ) ‘ how to paint ’ library books , and investing in impulse art book buys , I find articles by I am Simpson , Robin Stemp , Jenny Webb and many others a simple joy for a struggling amateur .
21 I am Brother Joachim , ’ he announced in a voice like thunder .
22 I am Wilhelm von Ormstein , King of Bohemia .
23 I am Willie , and this is , fo ’ ma sins , my brother Jerry .
24 I am Fedorov .
25 I am Emma Woodhouse .
26 I am Doctor Nell Anderson .
27 I am Doctor Lefeuvre . ’
28 I am Doctor Mirabilis .
29 My own son is husband to a lady of Altun blood , and I am Altun .
30 When he had finished his chores he sat down at the table and copied out ‘ I am William Beech ’ over and over again until Tom , after much effort , finally persuaded him to go for a run and exercise Sammy .
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