Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] was " in BNC.

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2 DID MY ears deceive me or was yesterday 's BBC TV news saying that even the Queen has ‘ flu ?
3 Was he a savage creature with evil designs on me or was it his idea of a joke ?
4 Did he really know nothing or was he trying to stop her questions by this extravagant praise of her least favourite weekly column ?
5 I own it , I paid for it , but it would only go to someone that was old enough , mature enough .
6 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
7 No , no ; it was n't someone that was here , it was some thing .
8 Erm I went into residential social work first , erm but that was after twenty years of teaching erm in various parts of the country , I was in , Bradford , and then I spent seven years in Africa , where I also erm was a teacher , and when I came back from Africa , I was asked if I would just replace someone that was going on a course , in a residential er the mother and baby home it was actually .
9 It was felt that it would rarely be necessary to call a computer expert , since in the majority of cases it would be sufficient to have someone that was familiar with the operation of the computer .
10 In a moment he had gripped her hand in his and was pulling her away from the bale on which she had been resting .
11 Very few fathers would actually prefer to have a strong-minded , independent daughter who put her own needs before his and was able to criticize his behaviour openly .
12 It is uncertain whether he composed this song himself or adapted an existing poem to the mocking , sentimental tone that was his and was already regarded as typical of Dublin .
13 He was armed with an archaeological book he had dug out of that bulging briefcase of his and was on his hands and knees sifting through a pile of discarded bones . ’
14 I 'll not be wanting to live with a man what 's too proud to take a helping hand from someone as was like our own son , and that 's a fact . ’
15 Such was the incline of the hills at this point and the arrangement of the trees that , looking straight ahead , nothing that was not absolutely pastoral could be could be seen .
16 They had seen something , they had heard something , they had smelt something , but all those various sensations added up to nothing solid : nothing that was known , for certain .
17 After he had shown you all he had in him , you would have seen nothing that was not gentlemanly , honest and clean . ’
18 He had said and done nothing that was not polite , yet he left them with an inexplicably awkward feeling , as though something unpleasant had taken place .
19 In the course of 1921 the programmes of Labour and the Alliance contained nothing that was new .
20 It contains nothing that was not identifiable , and abundantly flagged , in the previous two volumes .
21 Nothing that was happening seemed to have anything to do with real life .
22 That was , that 's nothing that was n't .
23 Nothing that was n't both banal and foreseeable … ’
24 Everything that was ugly and nothing that was beautiful .
25 It did n't really happen overnight , I guess , but through the MainMan News , MainMan kind of mushroomed into this enormous spending machine that really got out of control and I think was a very destructive influence on everyone that was involved . ’
26 Erm but er when the war finished , when the war finished and the Home Guard stood down , I ca n't remember who was the mayor of Walsall at the time , but they had a reception in the town hall for the Home Guard and everyone that was in the Home Guard was invited before we hand before we st handed our uniforms in , was invited to attend and I must say with great pride that I was can still remember it now , that the wife and I went to the reception and I was in the uniform and it 'd be the mace bearer I presume that was at the door and he asked your name and er rank and he shouted out your name and rank when you went in and you was greeted by the mayor and mayoress inside the ves the hall of the town hall , and erm I mean er quite proud to be Corporal and Mrs you know and it I mean everyone that went , I mean their rank and name and who was with them , you know , was it was quite quite a er er quite a something of to look back to of interest that was , you know , when we stood down .
27 If people told me that was all well and good but if they did n't , but I did hear about this erm er she did the operation on the girl who er who could n't get rid of her baby , and then it , she lo she sent she sent a telegram to her husband or a letter er it took a long while to come from the Far East , he was in the Far East .
28 I felt that I was using a part of me that was n't used to functioning and I 've just recently started juggling
29 And if there were h a wagon or a hutch went off the road there you were with not enough height to lift it all back off the rail again and believe me that was experience in itself .
30 And God and mercy me that was just have mercy on me .
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