Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 What impressed them most was that ActionAid works with the people themselves to decide how the money should be used to help the whole community .
2 Investigators were concerned about the exclusion of the normal world and shocked at the preoccupation with aberrant behaviour , but what frightened them most was the failure of the movies to fulfil a clear moral role .
3 Apart from worry about the safety of their nearest and dearest , what concerned them most was was that with the main breadwinner away , children still had to be fed and clothed and household expenses met .
4 This is used mainly where tantrums are severe and where it is felt that stopping them altogether is too big a first step .
5 Despite her alleged impatience to hear about his experiences during the pay-off , she made no attempt to refer to it again , launching instead into a blow-by-blow account of a film she had seen the previous evening , going on to explain that she loved films , really loved them , that the only place to see them properly was the cinema , that her favourite was a wonderful old place in the centre of town called the Minerva , and what a shame it was that no one went to the cinema any more .
6 In the 1990s the tasks are far more complex and conflictual and the social workers who must take them on are already part of the system that has to change .
7 I know it is with me , er , with Dad 's Army , so er , if they 're getting huge ratings with those repeats , well , they 're obviously gon na put them on are n't they ?
8 None of the charges quoted was outrageous , £5–6 per page is pretty much the norm but beware of minimum charges , and as the job we tested them on was non-urgent we could afford to be a little more flexible .
9 Everyone locally is keen to support their local theatre .
10 But what gets me most is when somebody dies who has n't really lived .
11 I think the thing that worries me most is that later on , he did n't manage it too well , a lot of other things were going wrong in his life , and at that point the name calling continued , and the stuff that maybe was n't so hurtful early on seemed to become very hurtful then .
12 the thing that annoys me most is that , the amount of bad memories people have , I mean not bad memories as in bad thoughts , but bad
13 What impressed me most was the support the boot gave — almost like a ski boot but with no compromise of movement or sensation of cramping .
14 The one that counted against me most was the Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee , which I worked for in the late Thirties .
15 What angered me most was the Gulag searchlight exposure of oncoming vehicles .
16 ‘ What struck me most was that everybody in America smiles all the time .
17 The person who annoyed me most was Tony Paignton .
18 But the thing that impressed me most was the friendship between the rabbi and the rector .
19 Set in a glade of thinned-out coconut palms , it was breathtaking , but what amazed me most was that , within sight of the most beautiful beaches in the world , the garden contained a large pool edged with white and blue tiles .
20 What annoyed me most was the red tape .
21 What angered me most was the way her dad went about it and her stepmum , giving her ultimatums .
22 His elbows stuck out through holes in a filthy jersey , his shorts were similarly ragged , but what appalled me most was the sour smell of his unwashed little body .
23 " The thing that impressed me most was seeing the pros in trouble get out of trouble , " he says .
24 ‘ The thing that surprised me most was that they did n't know how to make a quality tube at AISA and we showed them . ’
25 I think the persons who helped me most were the professional actors who were playing in the West End and came to us as teachers during the day .
26 I think the ones that made me most were those which were very influenced by Picasso , which are in the Tate Gallery .
27 Even at the age of about 13 I 'd be guided only by people who I thought knew something about the game , and who were not thing to stitch me up-I was always thinking people were trying to stitch me up for some reason .
28 This dual usage makes them seem to fill the limbo-land that lies between rhythm and lead approaches , and therefore an ability to play them fluently is a more-or-less essential guitar skill .
29 Arguing with them is always fatal , inviting them in is worse .
30 You will need a rope to lower them to the ground as they are heavy — throwing them down is dangerous .
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