Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] now " in BNC.

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1 Further processes have been identified and teams will start on them between now and December .
2 This suits me for now .
3 That 's the news from me for now , but not quite all from Anne .
4 An egg timer is what we use them for now .
5 That 's it from Cathy and I for now .
6 You must have enjoyed it , otherwise you would have told someone before now !
7 ‘ Neither did I till now .
8 ‘ If I could n't see the funny side of life , I think I would have murdered someone by now ! ’ says Mel .
9 What I did n't know was that this species , again in marked contrast to the Mbuna norm , is a precocious spawner , and one morning I discovered my by now 1.5″ female brooding .
10 With his by now legendary disregard for anything current which was n't The Smiths or his personal protégé ( the superb Easterhouse fell in his favour at this time ) , Morrissey performed ceremonial destruction with Sade , Style Council , Ultravox , Carmel , Genesis , Marilyn and , ironically enough , Blue Rondo who by this time were probably bragging about how The Smiths once supported them ; poetic justice indeed .
11 In all three instances — Hedilla , the Basque government , Guernica — Franco was politically responsible , but employed his by now familiar " long-handled spoon " tactic , keeping his own hands clean by using others to impose his will .
12 Next morning at 10 o'clock , when MacDonald , Baldwin and Samuel assembled in the Indian Room of the palace , the Prime Minister repeated his by now familiar litany ; indeed , he had the resignation of the entire Cabinet in his pocket .
13 Government spending is determined by government policy and investment depends to some extent on the rate of interest ( which for now does not appear in the model ) and businessmen 's expectations .
14 Exports depend on such factors as incomes in other countries and the rate of exchange ( which for now we assume fixed ) .
15 What a world he 's got himself into now !
16 It 's every man for himself from now on in ! ’
17 However that does not square somehow with the suggestion that Deloitte is poised to announce a link-up with Coopers & Lybrand which until now has been a wallflower at this rather bizarre accountancy barn dance .
18 Financing woes have even spread to the steel industry — which until now has always enjoyed special treatment from the banks , brokerages and officialdom .
19 According to an NFU spokesman , the legislation reflects local bye-laws and incorporates much of the unions ' own code of practice , which until now have together governed straw and stubble burning .
20 They have presented separate lists of candidates to the 270-seat Majlis , or parliament , which until now has been dominated by radicals .
21 I think this kind of mishap is completely in character for the most exciting new single-engined aircraft in the world — a machine fitting into that adrenalin-pumping category which until now included only warbirds and other military equipment .
22 The dispute brought out into the open the argument about the kind of Europe the Community ought to be building , an argument which had simmered beneath the surface for some time , but which until now , partly deliberately and partly unconsciously , had been successfully avoided .
23 One such area has been its library services which until now , maintains Mathews , were regarded simply as a programming resource .
24 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
25 This new product fills effectively closes a major gap in Microsoft 's Windows product line up , which until now has n't featured a top-end DBMS .
26 The circumstances were very similar to those the lad at Sunderland finds himself in now , ’ he said .
27 Huy wondered how Surere would react to the world he found himself in now .
28 The move to the château influenced the types of fabrics and products which from now on bore the ‘ Laura Ashley ’ name and so the company grew , organically , by producing a more exalted range .
29 Finally , there are many important topics in micro-sociology which till now have been far better explored by artists than by sociologists .
30 In contrast , in smaller and more informal gatherings such as house Masses , the power this can release has often been experienced so impressively that one wonders whether the new liturgy was not given to the Church prophetically , with a view to new circumstances which were to come , but which till now have been realized only unevenly .
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