Example sentences of "[art] night i " in BNC.

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1 But Greenford was in Middlesex and many was the night I spent in the pissing rain having walked to Acton Town station to wait for the first train home in the morning .
2 During the night I hear the harsh squeal of a fox , a long way off , answered by a staccato bark from one of the dogs .
3 It 'd be real easy — I 'd just say to myself ‘ Well , I think I 'll just pop over and see Marie today ’ , and five minutes later I 'd be there and we could have tea together , then if I did n't want to stay the night I 'd just fly into the sky again and stay there .
4 The night I went the original leads , Darcey Bussell ( Princess Rose ) and Jonathon Cope ( her Prince ) , had already been rotated out of the cast in favour of Viviana Durante and Stuart Cassidy .
5 Well , then how do you explain the night I put down a copy of Viz , turned on the telly , and settled in for what I thought would be a programme of smart , irreverent comedy ?
6 From then on I began to interpret each nocturnal sound as a footstep or as a bolt sliding back , and in the misery of the night I turned round and round in bed , my nightdress winding itself tighter and tighter about me , while a little voice inside me complained , ‘ I tried to do right , and now look what you 've done to me .
7 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
8 But when darkness fell , he was always in the bushes by the gate ; and waking in the night I would sometimes hear a shrill cry , ‘ Come out then !
9 He said , ‘ But this is the night I get my award .
10 Last night was really the night I must value — the night when I was aware of all the gifts Amantani has borne me .
11 During the night I wake to dash the two yards from bunk to bathroom .
12 The night I went up the bus was n't due to leave until 11 PM , so I left my luggage with the bus station and went for a meal .
13 During the night I visited him every three hours as my vet had told me that if his leg had broken completely it would n't be fair to leave him suffering .
14 I saw the massed coils of barbed wire , the tall wooden towers and the muffled sentries that we had passed on the night I arrived .
15 Before turning in for the night I telephoned Fred Workman to say I would be back at my desk by mid-morning and would be covering the visit of Mr Gladstone Murray to our city , his meetings and his broadcast speech , for the next day 's evening edition .
16 Even now I am ashamed when I think of the night I ‘ let fly ’ to one of our best auxiliary nurses who had come to ask me to help when I was just going off duty .
17 I had no trouble the night I got 94 in one setting — although I have heard tales from other warreners who have suggested this has happened to them .
18 ‘ He says that the night I returned Mr Laing his passport , duly altered , the young man spent most of the night in the computer room , and left before dawn with a large amount of computer printout .
19 By the end of the night I wo n't know who I am or what I do any more .
20 Reliable informants told me that the Kundry , Dunja Vejzovic , who was dreadfully bronchitic the night I attended , had performed impressively earlier in the run .
21 I should have told you , the night I met you on Starr Hills ; but I 'd only that day realized and I was afraid who might be listening .
22 When I woke once in the night I could feel the north wind blowing softly on my cheek , and knew we would have good sailing the next day .
23 You have been patient and you have worked hard , and I fear on many occasions late into the night I 'm sure , you have proved adaptable and er you have been good-tempered .
24 ‘ Oh , there were good times and bad times , ’ said Connor , adding reminiscently , ‘ Did I ever tell you of the night I stood up to Jack Johnson ? ’
25 The night I arrived I was walking around the streets on my own looking for work .
26 I do n't know your name , but I want to thank you for your kindness to me on the night I left Weatherbury .
27 ‘ It came on fine the night I was there .
28 ‘ Four days ’ time , and I 've got a big charity function to attend the night I get back .
29 The catholic meet in the middle of the night I think do n't they .
30 At nine of the night I opened my door That stands midway between moor and moor , And all around me , silver-bright , I saw that the world had turned to white .
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