Example sentences of "[art] night [art] " in BNC.

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1 Further they were partying far into the night every night after most of us had retired to our weary bed .
2 During the night a couple of German shells crashed into the far end of the orchard near the road .
3 During the night a German 88 was intermittently shelling the road , making sleep impossible .
4 In the sleeper compartment of a train speeding through the night a youth crouches over a naked woman he has drugged with a hypodermic syringe .
5 During the night a score of lambs had been born ; several had died ( most of hypothermia ) and at least one had been taken by a fox .
6 In the night a ferocious hail-storm rattles on the tin roof .
7 We stopped for the night a mile down the road just out of sight .
8 The idea for this book began in the back of a taxi , the night a friend told me that a famous Scottish football manager had enjoyed rampant sex in a television studio with a well known TV presenter .
9 During the night a storm descended upon them and they became lost in the dense woodland .
10 It may be Africa , and life may be cheap by comparison with that in the Western world , but just try to imagine this happening at Twickenham or Cardiff Arms Park : as the car park revelry goes on late into the night a youth slips into an official marquee and steals some equipment from it .
11 It was the night a driver had put a letter into Molly 's hands and called her Signora Kettering .
12 Asked the highlight of this lifetime on the Indian-Pacific , he thought deeply for several stations , before deciding that it was the night a passenger dropped his dentures down the lavatory .
13 During the night a train has failed to sound its whistle .
14 At his words ‘ In the horror of the night a fearsome warrior came forth , there is a transition from a chord of A to a chord of F , accompanied in the bass line by a characteristic flurry of upbeat semiquavers ( ex.2 ) .
15 Obviously no expense was being spared to make the night a success , and in different circumstances she would have been looking forward to it , but now , as silence settled over the car , she could feel herself growing tense .
16 I woke up in the night a pain here
17 The tickets have gone the tickets have gone for the er the Phil Kelsall concert you can get them on the door four quid on the night a week on Friday at eight o'clock at the er Alfreton Leisure Centre but our complimentary tickets have gone , long long gone .
19 At some stage during the night an ARP man brought some of the neighbours to the shelter .
20 Somewhere in the stillness of the night an owl hooted — the first one she 'd heard since she came to live at Les Hiboux , Sabine realised , surprised .
21 And by dusk were back in autumn ; it seemed sensible to make camp in this gentler landscape , but during the night an odd wind fetched up and snow fell , followed by an appallingly humid heat .
22 She had emigrated with half her family to England when a baby , but they had all come back the night an auntie 's house in Derry had been seen on TV news , with the sofa flying from an upstairs window and loyalist thugs pouring petrol on the geraniums .
23 The night the pack turned on her , fury in their lean need .
24 Yesterday 's meat and vegetables had been high — soft and sweet with badness — he had made himself swallow it and then in the night the shite had poured out of him until he was too weak to stand .
25 Saad had taken his own life the night the news had gone round that he 'd been caught sleeping with a travelling shepherd .
26 He was even with them the night the King died in 1952 .
27 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
28 It was the night the boil finally burst open and the pus of it turned into a reeking torrent that swept us apart .
29 During the night the police sealed off the hospital so that no one might know precisely who was wounded or the number of casualties .
30 ‘ Secondly , I believe you will begin to see during the night the cracks opening at last in the moulds that have held British politics in sterile opposition between two major parties for so long .
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