Example sentences of "[art] well [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , the reported meeting was in fact instigated by the Committee for Wales at the well attended ‘ bolt debate ’ meeting , which took place at Plas-y-Brenin on May 18 .
2 Also , both she and Clare Dodgson , chief executive of the family health services authority , worry that , despite the well attended meetings , there are still some general practitioners who know nothing about community care .
3 Local education authorities have less autonomy and become more the administrative arm of the Department of Education and Science , delivering a system of education within the well defined orbit of circulars and orders in council .
4 Thirdly it 's disappointing that the committee have ignored the well defined geographical boundary of Cornwall , along the river Tamar .
5 So from national pride at the North Pole , the well travelled iceaxe takes pride of place on the wall of Number 10 .
6 So from national pride at the North Pole , the well travelled iceaxe takes pride of place on the wall of Number 10 .
7 The primary source for ‘ Kubla Khan ’ is the book Purchas his Pilgrimage ( 1614 ) which Coleridge had evidently brought with him on his Culbone visit — borrowed perhaps from the bookroom or from the well stocked library at Alfoxden — and which describes how ‘ In Xanada did Cublai Can build a stately Pallace . ’
8 Seven of the patients in the well grown group were sexually mature ( Tanner stage 5 ) , and excluding them had no significant effect on the median serum IGF-I concentration ( reduced from 0.67 to 0.66 U/ml ) .
9 Pubertal stage can have a major effect but the lower IGF-I concentrations in the children with growth failure could not be attributed solely to the greater proportion of sexually mature children in the well grown group .
10 It is the obliques and abdominals which create the well trained look .
11 In view of the high density of TNF α producing cells in active inflammatory bowel disease , and the well characterised effects of this cytokine , it is probable that TNF α makes an independent contribution to inflammatory tissue damage .
12 There is still something of the well fed confidence of the years before World War I about it , and not a little of the self-deluding establishment complacence of the years before World War II .
13 Before she went to Navron she told Harry she felt like the well fed birds that could only fly about in their cage , but ‘ one day I set a linnet free which flew straight out of my hand towards the sun . ’
14 CFTR was detected by western blotting after transfer to a Hybond C-super membrane ( Amersham ) using the well characterized anti-CFTR antisera 181 .
15 The well documented decline in the number of young people means that , while they will remain important consumers of many leisure products and services , they will no longer be so dominant in the leisure market .
16 These results are perhaps not surprising considering the well documented difficulties of the textile industry allied to the quota restrictions on the fishing industry .
17 In this context , a recent report that the well documented neoexpression of ABH and Lewis b antigens in colonic cancer is mediated by a higher expression of the enzyme alpha 2 fucosyltransferase may be relevant .
18 The well situated -Mariano
19 Stretching southwards is the well kept lawn with its fine topiary work .
20 Indeed , it is the historic old houses you are likely to recall long after the memory of the well kept gardens , water sports , smart promenades and bathing pools have faded .
21 This confirms the well observed inverse relationship between disability and social contact .
22 All the well appointed bedrooms have a private bathroom and telephone ; most can take a third bed .
23 Mark Hancock/Peter Crockford and Roger Martin/Gordon Smith ( all four from the Petersfield area ) took the top two placings in the well supported expert sidecar class and Farnham pair Kevin Allaway and Marc Green , were the novice sidecar victors .
24 Anne Sandford was in a class of her own in the well supported Ladies category as she notched up her fourth win of the season in a record time of 3.19.51 , finishing well clear of Lisburn 's Kath Knell and Helen McKeeman of BARF .
25 The relationships between the Variscides of Europe and the Appalachians of North America — and indeed between parts of the Appalachian province itself — are still a subject for controversy at a detailed level ( see Dewey 1982 ; Rast 1984 ; also several papers in Hutton and Sanderson 1984 ) , but it seems that useful , if cautious , parallels can be drawn between the partly concealed Variscides of Europe ( including southern England ) and the well exposed and much studied southern Appalachians ( Fig. 1 ) .
26 The well worn paths around a sett lead from the currently used exits to nearby dung pits , and then off towards the badgers ' feeding grounds in fields or gardens .
27 And , when some other retired persons says in my presence ‘ I do n't know how I found time for work ’ , I no longer inwardly cringe with scorn at the well worn cliche as I used to do but instead I enthusiastically and of course sagely nod my head in hearty agreement .
28 For the next four years or so he lived the nomadic life of the minstrel , heading off in his car round the well worn folk circuits of Germany , Italy and Brittany and playing everywhere from cafes to pizza parlours .
29 CLOSER TO home , Bournemouth 's funky Wild At Heart crew present the Well Hung Parliament 's Country Balls Up on Aug 30 in a country club with swimming pool and gardens , and with Andy Weatherall , Dean Thatcher and the Wild At Heart regulars delivering the noise .
30 The well run small yard is in cracking form and could surprise the two course specialists Tempering and Horizon .
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