Example sentences of "[art] power over " in BNC.

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1 Worst of all , Labour wants to transfer from the House of Commons its most basic power , the power over the nation 's finances .
2 If it were joined with the Legislative Power , the power over the life and liberty of citizens would be arbitrary , because the Judge would be Legislator .
3 Mothers express it best : their postures seem to concede that you have the power over their children ; as a doctor , you can leave the children alone , and you can take them away , and you can bring them back , if you choose to .
4 Now , though , in these special circumstances and in this special room , the baby has the power over them .
5 You have the power over the beasts . ’
6 At first she had been shy and reluctant — until she discovered the power over him this could give her — that she could always command his interest and attention by resurrecting some memory long buried by forgetfulness and , sometimes , shame .
7 Erm , yeah Mrs she sort of has the power over level erm if she she sort of , it 's like she 's sort of keeping her on this level in the same household as her
8 At the present day they have no powers over the infant 's land .
9 Unfortunately , they have no power over political parties , who are n't expected to be legal , decent , honest or truthful .
10 County councils , where they exist , have important strategic functions but except for highways , minerals and waste their role is only advisory and they have no power over whether the district authority grants or refuses consent .
11 I had been repelling all visitors with even the slightest suggestion of a cold but had no power over the internal workings of his cancer .
12 In particular it has been argued that any body which has no power over financial matters is impotent as a check on the activities of government and that a new " upper chamber " should have some control over financial matters .
13 The Americans will have no power over us then . ’
14 By this man who had no power over him and whom he could sink with one word to Merymose .
15 That is outrageous , as judges at the Old Bailey have made clear , but judges have no power over the running of the Prison Service .
16 If the teachers have joined the course of their own volition and their tutor is as impartial as is possible , with no power over their career or future prospects , then the contract drawn up by Kate Kennett is very thorough .
17 Those who are subject to the decisions of civil functionaries , industrial managers , local government officials or the police , have no power over them .
18 It does n't make us so that satan has no power over us , so that we never sin again .
19 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
20 Men may , for example , both see themselves as ‘ stronger ’ than women and tend to see women as more weak and passive , but also see women as having a power over them that can seem to engulf the man in forms of emotional dependence by which he may feel threatened .
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