Example sentences of "[art] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The one beside the church was used by the sexton and the others were let to tenants .
2 Dry once more , she slipped into a breath of silky nightdress , with lace inserts up the sides and across her breasts , snapped off all lights save the one beside her bed , and clambered under the sheets .
3 The one beside him had accused him of ‘ grassing ’ and told him if he did not admit it he would have his face ripped open .
4 That was , it 's always the one beside the Civic Centre one ?
5 The timetable chart ( top ) shows how the bus was supposed to run and the one below how it did run .
6 Clearly the mode intended is the one below ‘ myth ’ but above ‘ high mimesis ’ , the world of ‘ romance , whose heroes are characteristically ‘ superior in degree [ not kind ] to other men and to [ their ] environments ’ .
7 One might suggest at this point that the level and module metaphors are not really opposed , because there could be a module that did the translation between the uppermost level and the one below it , and so on downwards .
8 Is the Minister aware that on 10 December the National Rivers Authority told me , by letter , that it had taken two samples from the river — above the Coalite plant and below — and that the sample from the river above the plant showed a low level of dioxin , the one below the plant showed considerably higher levels of dioxin and that it is now certain that the dioxin is coming from the Coalite plant ?
9 Its anal fin — the one below the body nearest the tail — is concave , whereas on a chub the same fin is convex .
10 There are also systems ( e.g. in Australian and New Guinea languages ) that distinguish the three dimensions of space , having demonstratives that gloss as " the one above the speaker " , " the one below the speaker " , " the one level with the speaker " as well as distinguishing relative distance from participants ( see e.g. Dixon , 1972 : 262ff re Dyirbal ) .
11 The one below this one , but his teeth are as white as
12 Auckland ( NZ 's largest city , and the one into which most visitors are decanted from their 747s ) has a fine international airport ( with a statue to Jean Batten and a well-worth seeking-out small memorial corner in the terminal dedicated to this New Zealand pioneer pilot ) , but this is the last place you want to start searching for vacation VFR .
13 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
14 The speech sounds that stimulate these organs are then converted into a neural signal from which a phonetic representation equivalent to the one into which the speaker encoded his message is obtained .
15 In the first instalment of a new monthly column that contrast the reality of nature with the dreamworld of conventional business and politics — and suggest various ways of injecting the one into the other — Jonathan Porritt looks at the build-up to next year 's ‘ Earth Summit ’ and wonder if the US Administration 's chronic inability to face facts will finally be the thing that scuppers the planet 's ‘ last chance ’ .
16 The Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 the question whether , in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Act of 1990 the computer which the person caused to perform any function with the required intent had to be a different computer from the one into which he intended to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein .
17 ‘ The point of law referred for consideration by the court is : in order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer to the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held there ?
18 ‘ In order for a person to commit an offence under section 1(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 does the computer which the person causes to perform any function with the required intent have to be a different computer from the one into which he intends to secure unauthorised access to any program or data held therein ?
19 In Brooke-Rose 's later work this relationship is reversed as linguistic felicities are allowed to pierce through the layers of the harmonious hierarchical structure of narrative ontology ; rather than replacing pun with metaphor , Brooke-Rose transforms the one into the other .
20 The stairs and bannisters were the ones she knew , the door to the sitting room and the one into the kitchen were in their familiar places but there the resemblance ended .
21 and then you do a division of the one into the other and you get a figure that is smaller in the tabloids and larger in broadsheets like The Times and The Financial Times and in periodicals like the Communist and the New Statesman .
22 You 're the one into German .
23 Klima 's first loves have a way of not working out ; and what may have been his longest affair is the one about which least is said .
24 During the year in which the final version was written it became clear that Raskolnikov must be freed absolutely from suicide and blanket boredom and ripostes like the one about family life which issue out from beneath that boredom .
25 Joseph II will always be remembered for finding ‘ too many notes ’ in Die Entfuhrung ; and our own Queen has an almost comparable claim on immortality if the story is to be believed that when asked to attend a performance of Figaro , she replied : ‘ Is that the one about the pin ? ’
26 It is , of course , the one about the pin .
27 ‘ Drink up , ’ said the darts club wit , ‘ and I 'll tell you the one about the girl who married the sailor . ’
28 December 13 , 1956 : Dear Bunny , There are some delightful , first-rate pieces in your book , such as the one about your father and the first of the two about the Jews , but I am as always distressed by your conception of Russian history , which is all wrong , being based on the stale Bolshevist propaganda which you imbibed in your youth .
29 The rather tacky set , the lucklustre performances , the script from David Straun and Heather Williams that lurches from trite audience participation to over-the-head jokes ( would any primary-school child get the one about water privatisation ? ) , all did n't seem to matter as the company of four scampered around with their well-intentioned tale of how the white man destroyed the American Indians .
30 England were left to reflect on one of the game 's oldest sayings , the one about catches winning matches .
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