Example sentences of "[adv] never [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She toured Britain and West Europe , she broadcast constantly — but she preferred recitals to the teamwork of symphonies , so never got taken up by one conductor , and in the long run that can be very important .
2 Societies deducted the interest at the time so never paid the full amount of the loan , which greatly enhanced their profits .
3 I 've not only never felt like this before , I never imagined it possible .
4 The carpet gets turned round , your favourite chair feels all wrong , and yet it only takes you an hour or two to wonder why it was obviously never done like this before .
5 He had sited it far from where it really was , half a mile down from where it was ; he had obviously never seen it .
6 ‘ She 's obviously never met Alexander .
7 Anyone who argues that the demand for reactionary comedy died with Benny Hill has obviously never played the provincial circuit .
8 I thought that was very interesting , for Richard had obviously never thought it worth mentioning that she was n't white .
9 The fireplace itself was obviously never used ; there was a fan of newspaper where the sticks and coal should be .
10 It 's obviously never occurred to her she could be barking up the wrong tree . ’
11 The locals have obviously never tried a good pint of 6X ; how can they drink this stuff ?
12 His background had merely never encouraged him to develop one .
13 H. L. Gee knew it when he said that Edinburgh is ‘ perhaps never seen to greater advantage than late on a midsummer evening , the stones crimson in the setting sun , western windows ablaze with fire ’ .
14 The air was warm and sultry , with the heady scents of plants perhaps never seen before .
15 Britain had perhaps never faced such a large demand for a product which , since cotton could not be grown in the country , it was incapable of producing itself .
16 We 're here for two days and I 'm going to present to what to some of you will be some new ideas some new concepts that you 've perhaps never come across before .
17 While the Roman law had perhaps never died out in the north Italian cities and was studied in the early eleventh century at Pavia , where the great lawyer , Lanfranc , archbishop of Canterbury under William the Conqueror , taught for a while , an interest in the texts of Justinian was not widely aroused until the discovery of a manuscript of the Digest in c. 1070 .
18 The journal apparently never made money for Crookes after all , but it kept his name before the public ; and being an editor does give some power , patronage and influence .
19 In Glamorgan in 1965 a company responsible for the collapse of a bridge was acquitted of manslaughter but the defence apparently never questioned whether a company can be guilty of manslaughter .
20 After graduation he was awarded a scholarship to do research for a doctoral thesis on Thomas Gray [ q.v. ] , apparently never completed , under the supervision of I. A. Richards [ q.v . ] .
21 The authorities have apparently never held an inquest into nay prisoners death — including that of Saidi Safari — despite the requirement of the Inquests Act that they do so .
22 It has been lucky in its track record , having apparently never had the necessity of reinstating a completely failed assignment .
23 You 've literally never seen anything like it .
24 Yet , for all the sadness she was suffering now , Shannon could n't find it within herself to wish it had all never happened .
25 This , he told Meese in his interview on November 23rd 1986 , was something above all he hoped could be kept secret ; this , Poindexter had told him , ‘ had better never come out . ’
26 Being an undergraduate at the time , my son naturally never considered actually residing in the house .
27 She 'd always preferred French cricket , although she 'd naturally never told Stephen that .
28 Another rumour countered that she had always been unpleasant and had thus never had a love-affair , unhappy or otherwise .
29 This well known fact was somehow never discussed in public by the girls , for public admission of it would have destroyed and inhibited its oddly private thrill , and would have shamed the vain ones into cowering in their cubicles , as the timid and modest already did .
30 Mrs Thompson said : ‘ This is something I have intended to do for some time but somehow never got round to .
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