Example sentences of "[adv] each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Games of 10 minutes each way will be played between 10am-noon and 1.30pm-3.30pm each day with the competitions , which are sponsored by Puma , switching to the back field on Sunday .
2 One can not , of course , say from this description how rigorously each SBU was evaluated , or how well devised the strategies to move SBUs around the matrix were .
3 For the Sunday League Durham were 40–1 with Victor Chandler , ¼ the odds first three , and 40–1 with The Tote for the NatWest Trophy , and so the suggestion is a little each way for both possibilities .
4 After that I might do some washing — I 'd rather do a little each day than a large amount at once .
5 And then just utilize a little each year .
6 My dream of a book whose print fades a little each time it is read until the pages are blank .
7 The filming , which resulted in an eight-minute segment took three days from 8am to 7pm each day and standing in fire gear in the freezing , draughty shell of a building is not Hollywood .
8 Effectively each grain in the population is taken into account in computing the characteristic parameters of the sediment .
9 Trains will run hourly each way along the branchline between Twyford and Henley .
10 We might , in the process , find that there is no need for in depth designing and costing on each scheme .
11 The reason for an indemnity is that such a covenant does not automatically pass on each transaction ; the burden of it needs to be handed down expressly to each subsequent buyer .
12 But the trouble he took on each occasion was the same .
13 record the decision taken on each change , ie. approved or rejected , on the Changes Log
14 Finally , record the exercise that you take on each day that you record the details of your food and drink .
15 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
16 ( 3 ) If you are wise , you will have written the minutes of the previous meeting in such a way that the action to be taken on each item is recorded against it .
17 Boeing predicts that revenue passenger miles ( RPMs — the number of passengers carried on each flight multiplied by the distance of the flight ) will continue to grow by 5.4% a year over the next 15 years .
18 When the system was tested in the three days leading up to the event , it responded properly each time .
19 According to the Royal Society of Portrait Painters , which has just celebrated its centenary , of the thousand-odd portraits undertaken professionally each year , hardly any are commissioned by their subjects .
20 The Times was highly critical of what it called ‘ these usurious companies ’ , but their creation was a genuine attempt by the government of the day to provide the less privileged members of society with a state money-lender which hopefully they would find more trustworthy than the neighbourhood pawnbroker ; and presumably each society 's secretary was able to provide some kind of money management advice to those who needed it .
21 Presumably each side would want to state its position about the quality/condition of the sample and the evidence would presumably be about other samples said to be of various qualities or conditions .
22 It looks as if sex evolved because it 's in the interest of genes to constantly be re-combined self interest not always in company with the same others may want to be er mixing themselves up , so they launch themselves in continually different combinations , and this presumably each gene what , what , what is happening is a constant filtering process all the time , by means of which natural selection is working on basically random changes in the final point I want to make and that 's
23 10.7.1 Subject to due performance of its obligations hereunder each Party shall be entitled , subject to reimbursement of the costs of collation reproduction and delivery , to receive copies of all results and of such background technical information of the other Parties as is in each case reasonably necessary for such Party independently to exploit results in the manner specified herein .
24 of CBI SCOTLAND had been written to , asking her to send copies of the forthcoming conference notice to so each member of the E&PD committee might have one .
25 When we normally when we draw it we normally put North going straight up the page , so each person , or each ship , or whatever it is
26 ‘ Assuming some progress in resolving the debt crisis , ’ Mr Grant says , ‘ then even a 5 per cent or a 10 per cent diversion of military spending could provide the additional $50 billion or so each year which is needed to end absolute poverty on the planet within the next 10 years . ’
27 You could then include a breeding pond ( occupied for only a fortnight or so each year ) .
28 Throughout the academic year , the University 's Centre for Continuing Education runs a wide-ranging programme of part-time ( day or evening ) Open Studies courses in which any adult aged over 18 may enrol ; around 5,000 members of the local community , as well as staff and students from different parts of the university do so each year .
29 AS FLOCK SIZE increases the individual risk to any one bird decreases and so each bird can afford to lower its peeking rate .
30 So each species of the family , on the near-identical canvas of its body , carries a vivid and individual design based on stripes and patches , dots , eye-spots and zigzags .
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