Example sentences of "[adv] back and " in BNC.

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1 So back and tell your Edward so , my lord . ’
2 They crossed the dark hallway , which smelled strongly of damp and dog , the animals themselves charging gleefully back and forth across the floor .
3 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
4 And I walked along back and front , back and front like that and I said oh I do n't know .
5 Answer : a notched wooden roller that is turned gently back and forth between the palms and fingers for a couple of minutes a day .
6 She lay there rocking gently back and forward , thinking , If that is what he wants …
7 Swings also moved gently back and forth in the breeze , as if rocked by some unseen hand .
8 The swings moved gently back and forth .
9 His body swayed gently back and forth on the ropes .
10 With his hair slicked wetly back and his shirt cast casually over one tanned shoulder , leaving his impressively muscular torso bare , he was a vision that turned her mouth into a desert .
11 Cranston gazed quizzically back and Athelstan grinned .
12 I grinned wickedly back and told Benjamin to wait for me in the street outside .
13 " Right then , " he said , when operations were satisfactorily completed and he had taken a swill of ale , " let's not back and fill , let's have everything full and by . "
14 But no response came from the darkness , and after swaying precariously back and forth for a minute or two , his feet slipped on the twisting bamboo rods and he fell to his knees .
15 It is an indication that your weight is too far forward and to avoid it the feet should be positioned further back and more weight should be placed on the back foot .
16 Again there was silence between them , but as Mr Beecham stared at this young man , he remembered Martin hinting that his aunt kept the young boy on a tight rein ; and he also went further back and recalled Arthur 's confidence and how he had once described his sister-in-law as a frantic leech .
17 Yes yeah , I , I 'm also very disappointed that er er , in the negotiations that they did n't er er , come up with any sort of housing erm I think the , it 's mucking any future negotiations with other partners or developers , speculators whoever they may be , I think it 's important that we have , er we strike a balance between bu houses for sale and rented accommodation because , I mean they need to now the building er , this house for sale and each time we we we we knock down flats or building and ga gave the land free of charge to the speculators we have to de-count people , those people are moving th the existing te er people on the waiting list and they 're getting moved further and further back and er I think i i i it 's a very worrying situation where we are continually giving land free of charge and they 're getting no rented accommodation .
18 Indeed , there 's an excellent description in the seventeenth century by the physician Thomas Willis of an honest and prudent woman , as he describes her , who erm , after much hasty speaking will become mute as a fish , and one might even fancifully look further back and wonder whether this fatiguable weakness was n't something that erm that the Old Testament character , Samson , had .
19 Actually , when I first bought it , I did n't like the amount of top-end in the sound so I used to roll the tone control way back and I ended up finding all these different tones in the guitar .
20 I recognized Billy Tuckett from way back and thought I 'd save you guys some time by giving you his name .
21 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
22 The floor was so thickly covered that there was no space for displays of skill ; the most that the most expert could do was to shuffle feebly back and forth .
23 Two windsurfers , like rainbow-flashing kingfishers , cut dramatically and dangerously back and forth at right angles to the blind spot of the bow .
24 The male swims rapidly back and forth many times .
25 The hips at impact have started to turn towards the target , but the right shoulder is still back and out of the way .
26 She did not greet him , but drew him quickly inside into another wide marble-floored hall , so similar in form to the previous one , with its glittering crystal lights and its wide forked staircase , that for a moment he felt only confusion , a sense of time warped , speeding him at once back and forwards .
27 Hoc 's fever began to return halfway through the task , and Dong ran frantically back and forth between their adjoining rows , working his own and his brother 's trees while Hoc rested .
28 until she got onto that crossbar and then she just flew straight back and did exactly the same thing all over again and I just thought sod it !
29 Drawn by light-stepping ponies , lowing bullocks , sweating , yellow-skinned men or smoking petrol and steam engines , unending processions of carriages , carts , rickshaws , trams , trains , cars , and motor buses were plying urgently back and forth across the drab plain of treeless rice fields , hurrying to complete their business before the heat of noon drove their passengers to seek shelter and shade .
30 Smiling shakily back and in response to his urging , she sank with him to the floor .
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