Example sentences of "[adv] our [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 It is important to understand that language is used , in fiction , to project a world " beyond language " , in that we use not only our knowledge of language , the meanings of words etc , but also our general knowledge of the real world , to furnish it .
32 The scepticism which Hume 's argument creates is not global , since it concerns only our knowledge of the unobserved .
33 In fact , the envelope the film sample came in carried a completely different company name and it was only our knowledge of the market that allowed us to recognise the source .
34 Our future lies in building a broadly-based business serving not only our Government and nuclear industry customers but many others including those in aerospace , oil and gas , process and manufacturing industries .
35 If it is only our climate which would prevent an expanded leisure industry from being successful , we should surely look at ways of doing something about it .
36 Ate only our compo rations . ’
37 And that is why , th with the government talking about , and they 're talking about authority why should they be looking for money from anywhere , when after all , the youth of today are the pensioners to , of tomorrow , and it 's only our duty to look after them .
38 We know there are no magic charms to aid us in our troubles — only our reason and our will .
39 Our individual and collective responses to these questions will affect not only our understanding and interpretation of the following chapters of this book but , more importantly , the nature of the school process as experienced by teachers and pupils in the future .
40 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
41 The caveat , to state it simply , is that it is to be taken as a view of only our conception of what can be called standard effects : all those where the effects are not decisions , choices , like mental acts of persons , or ensuing actions .
42 As intimated earlier it is only our intention to outline these here ; there are many easily available descriptions and analyses in the literature ( to which we refer ) .
43 So the whole camp lot came up and er they Oh but it was n't only our farm , they did other farms by .
44 We have only our strength to laugh at them . ’
45 Actually , most diets do work , it 's only our willpower that fails !
46 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
47 But it was n't entirely our fault ; it was down to bad management .
48 On the second occasion we were overcome by severe stomach pains ( a touch of food poisoning , I guess ) , which caused us to abandon the attempt , again on Elidir Fawr — obviously our jinx mountain .
49 If there were evidence that the picture was stolen or pillaged , then obviously our attitude towards it would be rather different from what it is ’ .
50 Obviously our public opinion would bitterly and rightly resent any delay in getting our men home , or any infliction of unnecessary hardship on them , and if the choice is between hardship to our men and death to the Russians the choice is plain . "
51 But very obviously our traveller 's decision would not be at all like that .
52 I mean what a what I think I 'll probably do is if we can get like erm something that 's obviously our crowd and then either putting , say , Stella back on or something like that
53 So erm just mention obviously our connection
54 Then he called for Alvar Fañez and said unto him , Cousin , the poor have no part in the wrong which the King hath done us ; see now that no wrong be done unto them along our road : and he called for his horse .
55 There was an unpleasant odour blowing along our road all next day .
56 Mercifully , two minutes later , after much gentle persuasion , the villain of the piece rose to his feet , shopping bags and friends in toe , blurted out what a selfish person I had been , and was relocated … further along our row , next to our parents !
57 I remember that when Philip and I first made our way through London to a shop which was depicted in an advertisement , in spite of the crowds on either hand all along our route , in spite of the full directions of our elders , we were as much elated by our achievement as if it had been an arduous discovery made after a journey in a desert .
58 Right , so that 's all we want to look at with regards learning styles I think the key thing to remember is that we must n't fall into the trap , because it 's our learning style if we actually put together our training which reflects our style .
59 For the moment , however , we shall turn to the recent attempts to bring together our understanding of the other forces of nature into a single , unified quantum theory .
60 The point is that perception of discourse type is a factor in discourse processing and production which brings together our perception of sender/receiver , topic , function — and other factors besides .
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