Example sentences of "[adv] because many " in BNC.

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1 However , they do not accord with traditional conceptions of crime — perhaps because many of the offences may be committed in ‘ normal ’ , situations , such as driving a car or conducting a business — and this may tend to obscure their direct relation to the issue of physical safety .
2 The myth that Britain is in some exceptional sense class-ridden dies hard , especially in America , perhaps because many are reluctant to acknowledge class-divisions and class-accents nearer home .
3 Enhancement of the NHS domain was certainly at the core of the initiative , perhaps because many informed observers thought that members of health authorities would , in the future , become both more representative of the population served and better able to make local management innovations in service .
4 Critical and creative thinking are now fashionable on American campuses and amongst intellectuals generally — perhaps because many thinking Americans believe the " Great Society " has failed to solve sufficient of its most urgently-critical domestic problems — like drugs , violence , corruption , homelessness and the budget deficit — quite apart from its most pressing international problems — like relations with the Soviet Union , the mid-East and Latin-American crises , and so on .
5 ( The effects of collection size have been little mentioned by writers on online catalogues , perhaps because many of the writers are from North America and are used to university libraries which are larger than many national collections . )
6 The peace movement can not ignore international law , not merely because many existing provisions tend to provide legal support for the claim that the use of nuclear weapons would be illegal , but also because , in theory at least , it provides the means by which states can bind themselves to restrict the manufacture , storage and use of such weapons ( non-proliferation treaties and regional nuclear-free zones are examples of this ) .
7 In a game that went to the fifth day only because many hours were lost to the weather — the actual playing time was two and two-thirds days — one was left wondering what he might have done had he been fully fit .
8 It is important to stress that the differences between , on the one side , the personnel of the brigades , Scouts , and clubs and , on the other , the reformers , should not be exaggerated , if only because many of the latter were also active in one or more of the organizations .
9 Under war conditions , pacifist socialists were forced to rethink their attitude to the state , if only because many of them — not just conscientious objectors — suffered state repression .
10 It must , however , still bulk large in any examination of English urban life , not only because many of its characteristics were common to it and other towns , but also because they can be most fully studied there .
11 So because many elderly people ca n't see or hear very well , they may be missing information which the rest of us see and take in without even thinking about it .
12 Slowly parts of Funchal are being given a facelift , partly with tourists in mind and partly just because many of the old buildings are in danger of crumbling away .
13 Ken Neil won the competition on ‘ how many ways to use an egg ’ and , after a few games of bingo , the 50 members enjoyed browsing around the Thrift Shop which had been opened specially because many can not get there on a Wednesday morning .
14 Although landlords are prepared to squeeze margins by offering a variety of incentives — rent reductions , rent-free periods and payment of fitting-out costs — demand refuses to pick up because many tenants are lumbered with expensive leases they can not assign .
15 A great sense of frustration is building up because many hon. Members feel that the Bill represents a lost opportunity for British Rail .
16 No doubt this was partly because many terrorists had taken to extortion and rape , ruining their once-glamorous image as freedom-fighters .
17 In this period capital account transactions were at a much lower level than they are nowadays , partly because many countries still had restrictions or limitations on this type of flow .
18 These can be very variable , partly because many so-called dog roses are , in fact , hybrids .
19 Further , there is very little evidence to suggest that R&D spillovers seriously undermine incentives to invest in R&D , partly because own and rivals ' R&D is often complementary and partly because many firms must invest in R&D in order to be able to benefit from spillovers .
20 They were feverishly engaged in anti-Francoist conspiring , partly because many monarchists were opposed to Franco 's gestures of support for Hitler and Mussolini , and partly because they resented the national and international prominence given to Serrano and the Falangists Serrano had chosen as his closest personal and professional associates .
21 On the other hand , with the increasing recognition that the study of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcations is central to the understanding of chaotic behaviour , the Lorenz equations are again generating a lot of interest ; this is partly due to the very great number and variety of such bifurcations occurring in the system , and partly because many of these can be precisely analysed in terms of their effects on the periodic orbits and other invariant trajectories in the system .
22 In fact the incidence of giving an answer such as 5.882 etc. in the stamps question was low ; probably because many pupils in the sample did not use a calculator to do the question .
23 It 's also because many standard features on other packages which make repetitive jobs easier — like palettes , layer management and gradient fills — would be welcomed with open arms by Illustrator users .
24 Patients requiring intensive care are at greater risk of nosocomial infection not only because their illness is severe but also because many therapeutic interventions actively promote colonisation or disable host defences .
25 While the concept of headship has been criticized on empirical and political grounds , see for example Murphy ( forthcoming ) , it is necessary to use it here because it is the familiar way of presenting data and also because many data from earlier years are available only in this form .
26 ‘ We think this can do even better because it 's for home charities and also because many of the names involved do n't usually contribute to compilation albums , such as Genesis and Cher . ’
27 However , it would be unwise to rely on the initiatives of local authorities alone , because of the severe financial restrictions under which they operate ( I found out today for example that Edinburgh District Council 's ENTIRE budget for maintainance of paths and bridleways amounts to only £5,000 per year ) , but also because many routes of interest to cyclists coincide with trunk road routes , which are D o T responsibility .
28 This is mainly because many of the district 's relatively cheap large houses have become part III and nursing homes , offering about 300 places in the private sector and around 150 run by social services .
29 Mussolini 's visit passed off without incident , mainly because many people suspected of anti-Fascist sentiments had been put under arrest and because there were large numbers of security men mingling with the crowds .
30 I hope the policy document will sort this out because many of us are keen to see improvements ; any help you could give us here would be appreciated !
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