Example sentences of "[adv] one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I shall never regret Er I do n't know but I 'm just perhaps one on me own , but er it could n't have been better for because I was a freelance and er I wanted to learn and wanted to get on and they allowed me , they allowed me to do what I wanted .
2 Instead of the medical materialism of Hammer horror , we get a surprisingly restrained treatment of the play 's fuliginous cruelties : even when the Duchess is invaded by a chorus of madmen , they are ushered in one at a time by a beady-eyed supervisor wielding a corrective cane .
3 We have printed a handy Viewing Checklist on page 39 — make photocopies and fill in one at each property you visit .
4 The head of each household , which includes people who are in charge of residential homes , hotels , etc. , is required by law to fill in the questionnaire on behalf of everybody in the household , or at least to ensure that they fill in one for themselves .
5 why the night before , did , was I told oh you 'll need an amplifier and she 's going to bring in one from her home , her own one in tomorrow morning , I thought I did n't spring it in last week , anything and then that day when I discovered it still was n't working I just could n't believe it
6 You have blue bits and you have yellow bits and it 's going to be much easier for you to put them together one on top of the other so you have a blue and yellow syllabus .
7 But at least three , and maybe four of the women on the Tribune slate are also likely to be elected , taking the total of women on the Shadow Cabinet to four or five , compared with only one at present .
8 There 's only one at school .
9 I , I was only one at the time .
10 MINING experts appointed by the Government to review the prospects for the ten most threatened pits on British Coal 's original closure list have reported only one to be economically viable .
11 It originates from considering , for example , the situation where an older and a younger person would benefit equally from treatment but resources allow only one to be treated .
12 there was only one on a sort of opened pack and we could
13 You 're only one behind us now .
14 There 's only one in the bloody phone book !
15 Very few enjoy a personal pension very few enjoy an occupational scheme the greater majority gain nothing from SERPS only one in six receive a full state pension .
16 At a time when only one in five Conservative voters think that there is a need for further anti-union legislation , the government is pushing through the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill .
17 In sea lions only one in ten , sometimes one in twenty , males mate .
18 As has been said , only one in five Trusts have said they 'll honour the terms and conditions of the National Health Service workers and we 've seen the disgraceful decisions that 're being made in .
19 But I think the point that you 're really missing is that only one in fifty crimes is solved .
20 Very much a rubber stamp exercise in those days and as a result of that only one in four of the businesses that were supported was actually surviving at the end of the first twelve months .
21 No there 's only one in there .
22 Mm mm there was only one in Redditch
23 There 's only one in the top ten at the moment
24 Well there 's only one in
25 Only one from you dear just seems like a lot
26 Amongst the major shares today Abbey National were up four at two O nine , British Aerospace up eight at five four two , British Airways down four at one four six , British Gas were down five at two one one , British Steel up one at one one seven , B T went down one to two two eight , Rolls Royce were up one at one seven one and T S B were up five at one two three .
27 Today 's share prices : Abbey National down two at two two eight , British Aerospace down twenty two at five three seven , British Airways down three at a hundred and forty one , British Gas went down four point five at two two seven point five , British Telecom down six point five at two hundred and eighty four , Goodhead Publishing Group stayed at sixty , Metalbox down fifty to one O O seven five , Morland Brewers unchanged at two hundred and seventy , Oxford Instruments went down four to two three three , Thames Water was down five at two two nine and the Trustee Savings Bank went down one to a hundred and thirty seven .
28 Today 's shares : Abbey National down one at two two seven point five , British Aerospace up six at five four five , British Airways unchanged at a hundred and thirty seven , British Gas went down two point five to two two three , while British Telecom went down one to two seven five , the Goodhead Publishing Group stayed at fifty eight , Metalbox unchanged at one O eight eight , Morland Brewers went down two to two hundred and sixty eight , but Oxford Instruments stayed at two hundred and thirty , Thames Water down four at two two eight , Trustee Savings Bank up two point five at a hundred and thirty seven point five , and today 's major movers , Reuters up twenty four at seven hundred and thirteen , and Bass up ten at one O four six .
29 One way of looking at a site is to examine its stratigraphy — the sequence of layers that have been laid down one on top of another to form the site itself .
30 Malpass put the fingers of his right hand on the chair arm and pressed them down one at a time until all four knuckles cracked loudly .
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