Example sentences of "[adv] its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the matter was not dealt with at an earlier stage , the vendor is likely to ask the purchaser and perhaps its advisers to enter a confidentiality agreement before the investigations start .
2 Look also at the tops of the trees to establish a better idea of the wind strength , and perhaps its direction too .
3 perhaps its sequel , but nevertheless
4 Perhaps its subtitle , ‘ Women and Textiles Today ’ , produced false expectations .
5 Perhaps its approach , an uncompromising look at gnarled racism and incipient decay in the Deep South , was too close to the bone .
6 A single rectangular raised bed is seldom satisfactory , but a series of beds which form part of a patio , perhaps its boundary , clearly have a function .
7 The choice of a forester — also made by the author of a thirteenth-century Flemish genealogy — is interesting : the word itself was a new one , having no classical or late-antique Latin form ; perhaps its associations with hunting and riding made it particularly appropriate for a family renowned for its martial skills .
8 I was longing to get back to it , or perhaps its associations with Toby were what lent it this sudden magnetism . "
9 It is all things to all men … and this is perhaps its number one axiom .
10 Perhaps its remoteness has been its saving grace , coupled with the fact that by the nineteenth century the Pinney family who had built it deemed it too small and dim to live in and moved to their other house of Racedown , a mile up the road .
11 JUST when you may been ready to despair , it seems that this country of ours may have found something of its heart , or perhaps its soul .
12 I think that its , its often what 's inside that comes out and what we wear and , and make up and I think perhaps its men who have the restriction of not being able to do that , they are not perhaps getting the opportunity to express their inner self .
13 Its circulation ( and perhaps its party 's sizeable electoral support ) qualified it unquestionably as a national daily in 1947 .
14 Perhaps its owner died , and there were no relatives who could care for it .
15 I am not sure why this quarter was called ‘ Chinese ’ except that perhaps its apartness from the regular secular and religious life of Salamanca made it seem like another country , and a far-off , exotic one at that .
16 A proper discussion of a football match can not occur if one of the participants is quite ignorant of the rules of the game ; and the kind of assessment of a restaurant meal that would involve the possible insertion of the establishment into a good food guide ( or perhaps its deletion from it ) will not get very far if one of the diners does not care for the meal because his idea of a gastronomic treat is a cheeseburger and french fries ( though within the order of the burger discriminations are possible ) .
17 There was a limit to what she could make out , given the angle and that she was trying to see the page upside-down , but what she saw was enough to confirm that this book , or perhaps its predecessor for the previous year , had the potential to tell her exactly what she most needed to know .
18 The modem included in US models is n't approved by the British telecoms authorities — apparently its components are too close together and do n't meet the required specification — so Tadpole is recommending another for use in its place .
19 But apparently its owner regarded it simply as a vegetable patch , for there were no flowers to be seen .
20 Silvester Horne , in his popular survey of nineteenth-century Nonconformity , admitted , ‘ The easiest accusation to sustain against Nonconformity has been hitherto its tendency to disintegration and division ’ .
21 Hitherto its spokesmen have insisted that the affair was essentially one for East Germany to settle , albeit urging that West Germany must operate its embassies abroad ‘ in conformity with standard international practice ’ .
22 Jugnauth 's July electoral pact between his own Mouvement socialiste mauricien ( MSM ) and the left-wing MMM , aimed at facilitating a move to republican status , had prompted the split between the MSM and MLP , hitherto its coalition partner [ see p. 37645 ] .
23 We did not condemn empiricism outright , merely its substitution for reality .
24 In his judgment , Lord Justice Dillon rejected Mothercare 's claim for passing off because in particular the book taken as a whole , not merely its title , did not begin to suggest that it had been issued by or sponsored by or was in any way associated with Mothercare .
25 The actual accuracy of the measurement has not changed , merely its presentation .
26 Now we had originally had this extra facility available er so that we could trade off life against the extra thrust in an emergency but there was clearly the possibility erm that that might be used er when it really was n't necessary and we would end up with extra costs , extra life cycle costs , shorter engine life and it was felt on balance that with a reduced threat overall that it was sensible to take out that facility and to accept a longer engine life , but not , there 's no reduction in the total normal thrust but its merely its override combat facility .
27 And now , Ian Wharton , now that you are no longer the subject of this cautionary tale , merely its object , now that you are just another unproductive atom staring out from the windows of a branded monad , now that I 've got you where I want you , let the wild rumpus begin .
28 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
29 In the 1770s she had envisaged the abolition of serfdom in Bohemia , Joseph merely its amelioration : his attitude probably contributed to the outbreak in the province of the peasant revolt of 1775 .
30 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
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