Example sentences of "[adv] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 In other instances , specific case files were raised to bring together all information related to individual projects , which could have a life-cycle of several years ; some sections were primarily concerned with specialist subjects on a geographical basis ( eg all the archaeological sites in each district of the County ) ; certain support services required files on matters of policy , or personnel , or finance , and so on .
2 They nevertheless will have seen some , perhaps all the works included , and can thus comment usefully on the artist 's standing , aims and achievements .
3 These two faculties , randomly chosen , would then be used for the sample with perhaps all the students , or a high proportion of them , being the sample .
4 More fundamentally perhaps , people are asking themselves , ‘ Why did we all want English medium anyway ? ’ and there is a rather bitter feeling around that perhaps all the enthusiasm , all the euphoria about ‘ new methods ’ ought to have been preceded by a sober consideration of ‘ new objectives . ’
5 Alternatively , several pieces of music , and perhaps all the works of your favourite composer , could be placed in the same frame , and there are many variations on this theme that you can follow .
6 Perhaps all the neighbours in Reine would respond similarly .
7 Mr Rowse the healer at 93 Mafeking Street , a Miss Potter and sixteen cats at No. 95 , themselves at No. 97 , a Mr Hill in a ménage à trois at No. 90 — perhaps all the normal people lived down another street ?
8 Perhaps all the figures permuting in her head had somehow sapped her reality .
9 Now for some of our members choice is is not something that they are fortunate enough to have because they are very needy and they do not have perhaps all the education that some of the tory party perhaps have , that they have been less fortunate in many , many ways .
10 Erm well the things I have to do are basically all the things listed on here still .
11 The match was a little disappointing , mainly due to West Ham using 3 central defenders ( plus the two full backs ) , and basically all the midfield players dropping back .
12 Basically all the major schemes have the same rules , with a couple of subtle differences .
13 There 's patient questionnaires , complaints , da da , er ba la visitor inspections , complaints , patient questionnaire , there 's a basically all the same kind of thing , or relative survey .
14 Well yo well basically all the ma , there 's like three or four main roads and we just cut straight across it like it .
15 ‘ Yes , yes , but I 'm banging on regardless all the same .
16 ( Try and solo all the severes at Bowden Doors sometime ! )
17 At seven o'clock all the guests assembled in an ante-room known as the Salle des fêtes , to await the arrival of the Imperial couple who were announced by the Grand Chamberlain .
18 Well I went to work on the Saturday morning at six and we were dredging until half past twelve , then we would , then do repairs till five o'clock at night and then five o'clock at night , when the other crew had gone home , when I start to stay there then from five o'clock Saturday night till Monday morning six o'clock all the time just to keep watch on the dredger , I used to sleep mind you during part of the time and erm used to have a big old tortoise stove down the cabin and make good fire .
19 Hamburger joints and up-market American-style restaurants have been spreading all over Britain in the last few years , and their food has been getting more authentic and better all the time — at least in terms of taste .
20 The world was quite difficult enough as it was without people going around trying to make it better all the time .
21 Suddenly all the political quarrels were forgotten and the French people decided that France 's honour was at stake and the two agents were not terrorists but national heroes .
22 Quite suddenly all the guards jumped in , their tommy-guns banging against the sides of the carriage and their leather harness creaking , and the train chugged off at about fifteen miles an hour towards Bromberg .
23 On several occasions I have been chatting with someone who relies on speechreading , and suddenly all the lights have gone out , cutting us off completely .
24 Suddenly all the gifts disappeared , and the pair were left only with the humble fisherman 's hut they owned to start with .
25 I remember in my teens being determined to do something which was not very nice , turning to her for permission and her saying " Well , I would n't do that — but I think you are old enough to decide for yourself , " and suddenly all the joy in the plan faded away and I did n't do it .
26 Ruth 's heart gave a heave , and suddenly all the frozen emptiness seemed to go melting through her , changed to burning tears .
27 Suddenly all the anger emptied from him , and in its place there was anguish .
28 Suddenly all the characters find themselves in an ‘ aerobrain ’ headed across the Atlantic toward San Fransisco , with a stop-over in Atlanta en route .
29 Suddenly all the magic had gone from the night and all her previous fears returned .
30 Suddenly all the fight drained out of her , leaving her weary and spent .
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