Example sentences of "[adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
2 In this respect politicians apparently have knowledge of the economy that economists do not .
3 Despite all the changes in theory which have happened in the interim , these plates still apparently have value , and pass time 's test .
4 Not only have medium sized British merchant banks been driven out of equity market making , so too have some substantial overseas banks , whose capital bases were overstretched due to debt defaults in other parts of the world .
5 but he 's in the U.S.A. at the moment and we only have Blakelock on duty .
6 True independence and self-determination come from recognising that we not only have responsibility for ourselves , but also obligations to others .
7 We only have household ammonia , if we have that and that is erm quite , quite low on concentration .
8 Most gardens only have space for a few trees and in a small plot they are almost always in view , therefore careful choice is essential .
9 The issues here are complicated and I only have space to give a rough indication of where the difficulties lie .
10 This package is one of the more promising packages I have seen in the Shareware market for handling home finances in the U.K. if you only have mono display .
11 We only have evidence for one species , but most ethologists who study sex do not hesitate to extend the theory to all bizarre sexual characters .
12 Regan ( 1977 ) complains about the lack of statistics on their background but says there are still some subject areas where inspectors only have experience of grammar and independent schools .
13 Like phonemes themselves , words only have significance in relation to other words and as part of a total system of classification .
14 Not only have art museums chosen to scrutinise such problems as AIDS in society , racial injustice and the status of women , at least several corporate funders may be willing to subsidise these pursuits .
15 Sorry , madam , we only have toast
16 who only have talking left
17 And I will go on stressing that because traditional musicians have this traditional training in university music departments and music colleges , and they become isolated ; they only have contact with Western Art Music , you know .
18 We only have harvest
19 Today , any share certificates they own only have worth as collectors ' items .
20 ‘ Dive-bombers only have scare value .
21 Well not now because you only have Christmas trees at Christmas do n't you .
22 Not only have health fears recently been raised over the insulating compound sulphur hexafluoride ( Chem .
23 From our point of view , empathy is the most valuable form of communication with the horse , for we not only have insight into how the horse feels , but we intuitively understand the horse 's other forms of communication , like verbal messages and body language .
24 Are they saying , they only have control up to a point ?
25 I , she thought disconsolately , offer people packet biscuits if I 've remembered to buy any and generally only have paper napkins .
26 Let Nonconformity ‘ only have courage to develop on its own lines , to be itself , and not a pale imitation of Anglican architecture , and the possibilities before it are very great . ’
27 But I only have reason to believe that my experience makes that proposition probable if I have reason to believe quite generally that events which I have not observed are similar to events which I have observed .
28 Hazel is one of those unfortunate patients who not only have food intolerance , but also seem to be sensitive to various everyday chemicals as well .
29 Not only have food costs been above average , but the labour turnover has been relatively high , which is a little odd since Fred is generally considered to be genial and well liked ( though we must add that we have found no evidence that this is true as far as his staff are concerned ) .
30 The pressure of work , the need to earn , the pressure of family and children , the disappointment of new partners are only too real but do not say , ‘ I only have strength to carry on this path I am treading .
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