Example sentences of "[adv] as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Very like ! ’ he said , knowing it was true , and knowing that he would not hold back so long as to let it be true .
2 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
3 He had then gone to Hollywood in the early fifties and stayed there long enough to show that he could cope with the system and be moderately successful , but not so long as to alienate his chauvinistic British following .
4 In 1986 it was decided that it would take three years to complete the job , twice as long as to construct a new building .
5 But it was Cromwell who remained the arch repository of true evil in the world , Cromwell who had persecuted Ireland so greatly as to overshadow even Queen Elizabeth who , vilifying Mary Stuart , had put her to a martyr 's death .
6 If the explanation given is correct , however ( and no other suggests itself ) then there is no reason to prevent the prosecutor who has elected in favour of the substantive offence from seeking to amend so as to substitute the conspiracy count instead : a straight exchange of counts based on the same facts can not be said to be over-burdensome .
7 The manager was advised to start by walking his zone so as to familiarize himself with it , and then ‘ scouts ’ would be sent out to call at homes whilst ‘ reliable boys ’ could be hired to ‘ politely deliver heralds ’ .
8 In turn then the heart must beat faster so as to pump blood quicker to cope with all this oxygen coming into the body .
9 If you touch the rope even , the bell is angled so as to sound continuously . ’
10 However , such disadvantages could be minimized by elaborating the definition of extreme emotional disturbance so as to clarify its extent and its limitations , and by evolving sentencing guidelines which set out the major determinants of culpability .
11 A measure actually intended to achieve the unpopular objective of raising revenue so as to remedy a funding deficit may , for example , be linked to and presented as instituting a new and desirable benefit .
12 We are returning , by another route , to Minsky 's suggestion that the evolutionary role of consciousness has been to give access to modules or levels , otherwise inaccessible , so as to debug , reprogram or retrain them .
13 How might the non-fatal offences be reformed so as to conform with the principle of fair labelling ?
14 The former assumption says that language behaviour in the classroom has to be natural so as to conform to the naturalness of language use : the latter assumption says that classroom behaviour has to be natural in conformity with natural processes of language learning .
15 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
16 Being lower in rank than the founding treaties , the provisions of Community legislation must be interpreted so as to conform with the provisions of the treaties , and they may be annulled if they are incompatible with them .
17 Roberts ( 4.5 ) surveys the literature on youth , pointing out that the traditional focus on how youth cultures have functioned so as to reconcile young people to adult roles in employment and family life have lost a crucial element — the expectation that young people ( especially those with only basic education ) would have jobs available .
18 The problem is how to conduct economic policy so as to reconcile full employment and price stability .
19 The constructed index is transformed so as to move from 0 in 1970 Q4 to a peak of unity assumed to be reached in 1989 Q4 .
20 There is statutory warrant for extending privilege so as to embrace reports , papers , etc. , published by order of a House ( Parliamentary Papers Act 1840 ) .
21 That was not a proper construction of section 78 , which was drawn so as to embrace precisely the situation of this case amongst many others that might arise in individual cases .
22 The second is to give the whole section an extended meaning , so as to embrace all persons , born or unknown , who in any way may benefit [ author 's emphasis ] from assets transferred abroad by others …
23 1.2 Extension of the principles In recent years there has been an extension of the principles behind the restraint of trade doctrine so as to embrace : ( a ) restraints in contracts which do not fit neatly into what was hitherto regarded as amounting to a restraint of trade ; ( b ) situations where the contract in question was not between the plaintiff and defendant and to which the plaintiff was not privy although he was affected by the working of the contract ; and ( c ) situations when no contract existed at all but the plaintiff could claim that a set of rules or certain conduct affected him prejudicially .
24 which established that in the absence of a prohibition in the memorandum , the articles could be altered so as to authorise such an issue .
25 Sam said to me thoughtfully , ‘ If you had n't stopped me , I 'd have rolled up the curtain so as to go into the dock in a boat , and all that stuff under the water would have slithered away into the river and no one would have been any the wiser . ’
26 The Bank of England acted to keep the cost of overnight money low so as to take pressure off the longer dates , but analysts warned that the authorities would find it difficult to keep this tactic going .
27 All the advice we have read assumes that the wife will claim a refund of tax on her low income , rather than share a husband 's income so as to take full advantage of allowances .
28 Also , the cells move so as to take up new positions .
29 In practice selectors will use both databases and select bibliographies ( assuming the latter are available ) so as to take advantage of the best features of both .
30 and eased Boardwalk away from the rails so as to take the leader in the final furlong .
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