Example sentences of "[adv] to us " in BNC.

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1 A book by Mother Teresa has said much to us about how we are to be for Jesus in this situation . ’
2 El-ahrairah does n't really mean much to us .
3 This is a life so transformed that it stands in utter contrast to the life which comes naturally to us as human beings .
4 Yet it is sometimes easy to be dazzled by the well-intentioned enthusiasm of a Vicki Hearne , or by false philosophy , into misunderstanding or down-playing the differences , and because it comes naturally to us to say that both we and the dog are angry , or frightened , we conclude that what goes for the human must go for the animal , making certain allowances for sensuous and anatomical variations .
5 ‘ Perhaps it does not come naturally to us .
6 Now I do see that it is men who are having to learn what comes more naturally to us .
7 Of course , ‘ Little Bangs ’ would necessarily be widely separated , so it is perfectly possible that there simply are n't any near enough to us to be detected : in an infinite Universe , our local patch — vast though that volume of space might seem to us to be — would be very small indeed .
8 This is close enough to us in time to qualify for the " present " end of the uniformitarian doctrine .
9 Well I was n't there long enough to us an appraisal to he give us , he still give us the targets
10 Ezra ha-kohen not only played the leading role in reordering the nation 's religious establishment ( re-establishment ) , but was almost certainly responsible for a great deal of the safeguarding and consolidation by which the scriptures have come down to us today .
11 We all feel touched by the greatest gift our ancestors have handed down to us .
12 ‘ Indeed , if Aristotle was a master of the art and handed his philosophy down to us very carefully , should n't he have proven everything in the most perfect form , especially when he insisted upon it himself — unless perhaps he intended to make fun of us ? ’
13 Recently , Susan Keefe has listed no fewer than sixty-one treatises on baptism which have come down to us in manuscripts from the Carolingian age .
14 The Homeric heroes , the personalities of the early old Testament , individuals of the old empires of Babylon and Egypt have all come down to us as individuals driven by interior forces .
15 Unfortunately , their penchant for the invention of bizarre new ways to tempt the grim reaper has filtered down to us , the lower orders , and we now follow their example .
16 Among the conventions for the division of time that have come down to us from Imperial Rome is the seven-day week .
17 They form the largest single category of medieval manuscripts that have come down to us , and all later prayerbooks derive from them .
18 In addition several verbal sketches have come down to us : William Hazlitt first met Wordsworth in 1798 and recorded this description :
19 Writing a hundred years before Eusebius , he states that , after the deaths of Peter and Paul , in the course of the persecutions in Rome : ‘ Mark the disciple and interpreter of Peter also handed down to us in writing the things preached by Peter . ’
20 ‘ Your uncle and I think you should get on a train and come down to us right away , darling , ’ she said .
21 Much medieval painting has come down to us in a fragmentary condition , and often in a very poor state of conservation .
22 It was he who wrote the famous book which has come down to us by its Arab translation , and is known as the Almagest .
23 The moral vocabulary of these accusations against sentimentality , leniency and crinolined philanthropy that unfolded in the wake of the great legislative transformations of this era is one which we would find entirely familiar in our own historical time , and which has rolled down to us virtually unchanged across more than a century of resistance to penal reform .
24 By using such evidence the historian can come to terms with some of the everyday reality of the war , and how it touched the lives and outlook of men and women , famous and not so famous , rich and poor , whose experiences are described in the proceedings of civil and criminal cases which have come down to us in some number .
25 In fact the definition has come down to us unchanged from the Agriculture Act 1947 , and includes all land used for , among other things , dairy farming , livestock breeding and keeping , grazing or meadows .
26 This is a time of austerity , of playing with ration books , of knowing we are " overcrowded " , of squabbles between the women over doing the stairs and cleaning the toilet that are handed down to us children in the form of sectarian rivalries .
27 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
28 We have a traditional culture , which comes down to us from the time of the Renaissance , and our literature , which is rich , draws its life blood therefrom .
29 Affective rather than rational , originating by chance hundreds of years ago and according to individual choices made in small communities , later expanding through the demographic growth of tribes and peoples , family systems perpetuate themselves by inertia … this combination of anthropological types , coming down to us from an indeterminate past , has in the twentieth century played a trick on the ideal of modernity .
30 So we let the blacks come down to us , we did n't go looking for them .
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