Example sentences of "[adv] to him " in BNC.

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1 It was always the same wherever he went — people were drawn inexorably to him , as though some of his charisma could rub off on them if they could just get close enough .
2 And Creggan followed her helpless gaze , out past the bars to the great sky itself and it seemed that direction came suddenly to him at last .
3 The chaplain of the college was a pleasant gentleman , his teacher of classics was a worthy pedant , and neither meant much to him .
4 Clearly the story meant much to him .
5 But Rufus admitted to himself that the beauties of nature and architecture had never meant much to him .
6 Stewart , who is retiring after guiding England for six years , watched four players who owe much to him play key roles .
7 In them he tried to recreate the characters of people who had meant much to him .
8 As Eliot had allowed me to give his name as a reference , my appointment , in the face of a number of other young men hungry for employment and no doubt better qualified ( for I had neither teaching experience nor teaching qualifications ) , may well have owed much to him .
9 Anyway , so I , I was getting a bit worried about it , and , I can , cos I was having these headaches , and I started talking to Phil and I , I had n't really said much to him about it .
10 He told his wife ( and himself ) that he was going to meet Adam in order to break the news gently to him that these awful discoveries had been made at Wyvis Hall and that foul play might have taken place while he , Adam , was actually its owner .
11 Fergus pulled his pack gently to him , scraping over the floorboards .
12 Since then , since the whole-hearted and selfless manner in which she had helped him , and had comforted him after Effie 's death — he remembered her saying gently to him when he had railed against Fate and his own incompetence , ‘ Do n't , Dr Neil , do n't .
13 The impression persists , that the only life he had lived is , in fact , the literary , and , admitting its necessity to our fathers , especially to him who had such a job of clearing to do , I take it a fault .
14 She sat down on the bench opposite to him and looked at his fat baby face , which was now showing some concern .
15 Harvey sat opposite to him and refused a cigarette .
16 Claire was a very good-looking woman , Harvey considered , watching her pour a drink and sit down opposite to him .
17 Mr Beecham placed the last sheet of stiff paper on top of a number of others and raised his gaze again to Joe , who was sitting opposite to him , and continued , ‘ There is no obstacle to your inheritance , as I can see .
18 Susan sat opposite to him .
19 I stepped down and sat on the thwart opposite to him .
20 This was no great problem for Mr Berge ; being cocky and confident comes naturally to him whether he is presiding over his other little empire , the Yves Saint Laurent fashion house , or standing over a gaping hole in credibility .
21 So doing favours and cutting deals comes naturally to him and he knows how to enjoy himself .
22 Stuart touched her on the arm — not a gesture I had ever seen come naturally to him before — and muttered , ‘ I told you not to believe anything he said . ’
23 The castle became one of the duke 's main northern residences and local families turned naturally to him for lordship .
24 In her opinion too , although she had no idea how other men behaved , nor any way of measuring the depth of Tristan 's desire for her ; whether it came easily and naturally to him , as any stallion would mount any mare , or whether it required a degree of effort he chose to conceal .
25 But that word had come naturally to him .
26 The castle became one of the duke 's main northern residences and local families turned naturally to him for lordship .
27 Such giving lay not only in the tradition of church patronage established by his royal Anglo-Saxon predecessors , but must have come naturally to him anyway .
28 Arnie had never looked after her in the way Guido meant , performing the sort of small but pleasing acts of chivalry that seemed to come so naturally to him .
29 In no time the conversation drifted naturally to him and Rosemary .
30 It comes naturally to him . ’
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