Example sentences of "[adv] we [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 'Ow we gon na get our money back ?
2 No we 're going to erm Horsham for the Christmas party , the works Christmas party and erm , the hotel where Rob stopped at last time when he was down in Horsham , that 's where they 're doing Christmas party this year , so we obviously we staying in a double room
3 So we gon na look at it in simple form first , things like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and carbonates and then build up erm I think , no .
4 anyway last night , they parked outside George 's so I reckon , I mean it 's only us thinking he 's put a note in the door because he will do this , because when a bloke used to leave his car outside Alan 's gate , others , instead of the station
5 Erm I 've , I I think I 'll erm was talking about people attending the health authority meetings at the moment but the local health authority do move meetings around , Saffron Walden Bishop 's Stortford , Harlow and and and one over at erm and this apart from it 's was only us coming from Harlow at the meeting last week and the health authority met in Harlow er , you know the me the meetings are moving about , they are there for people to come to but if they 're not coming to the meetings while they 're o on on the doorstep then , then really what else can the health authority do to me , to make people come ?
6 It was her applying for asylum , not us inviting her .
7 There was a very nice room in Wessex , I do n't know whether it 's still there , but it was the main room , where we recorded We Will Rock You and that was all acoustic stuff — it 's just us stamping on boards and clapping over and over again . ’
8 Just us doing it wo n't , wo n't stop it .
9 Right we preparing .
10 Whereabouts we going ?
11 Are n't we taking any notice of you ?
12 Are n't we taking any notice of you ?
13 And I says to Ray , are n't we using hopper nineteen ?
14 Well which ones are n't we using ?
15 ‘ Were n't we watching all the airports and ports ? ’
16 are n't we watching telly ?
17 Erm Romans verse and verse four you notice this text is taken from verse twelve , rejoice in the hope and then persevering prayer , but if you go into verse four , what it 's speaking about there , but just as we have in one body many , members , but the members do not all have the same function and then in six to eight he goes on to describe that we all have gifts do n't we differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us , whether er so forth and so faith , ministry , erm teaching , exhorting , all these different gifts , though sometimes if a particular brother or sister does n't have a particular gift and we think well you know that 's a bit hard going I ca n't seem to listen to them , that 's an area perhaps where we could erm be quivering could n't we , or complaining , especially about assignments , you might get speakers that come here from other congregations , and some are better than others are n't they ?
18 Scarlet asked wearily , ‘ If you mean why are n't we dining out , it 's because it 's a ridiculous waste of money … ’
19 Are n't we jumping the gun a bit ?
20 ‘ Why are n't we moving ? ’
21 In a sense and a I 'm not sure if it 's only in a sense , that , that when we talk now of say are n't we trying to approach the same ?
22 But are n't we getting away from the subject ? ’
23 Are n't we getting in a mess with this eh ?
24 And if it was important , to us and the country , why in the world were n't we snuffing out all those niggling grievances and getting on with the job of winning ?
25 But are n't we asking for everything on a plate ?
26 Are n't we missing an opportunity ?
27 Are n't we having
28 Why are n't we concentrating all our resources before they start ?
29 Erm so I think we 've got ta look at that right across the board though , we 've got ta know that in actual fact we 're covering it temporarily , erm or are n't we covering it temporarily .
30 ‘ Are n't we coming ? ’
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