Example sentences of "[adv] she could " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly she could almost hear her mother giggling .
2 It seemed that although sheer determination had kept Julia alive until the wedding , suddenly she could fight no longer .
3 Then he smiled , and thanked her in that tearingly familiar voice , and suddenly she could hardly bear to think that she had lost him .
4 And suddenly she could n't escape quickly enough .
5 Obviously aware of the moment when he 'd won the battle , Dane released her hands , and her arms slid of their own accord round his back , pulling him closer still , as if suddenly she could n't get enough of him .
6 Now suddenly she could feel the pleasure such imaginings had aroused uncurling in a warm spiral in the pit of her stomach .
7 Suddenly she could feel it pressing against hers .
8 Suddenly she could n't sit still any longer , and jumping up , she paced to the window of her sitting-room and peered out .
9 I used to think she did this because she loved my father so much she could n't wait for him to come home .
10 Only she could not stop seeing the strange boy 's face .
11 If only she could will herself strong as a roach .
12 By constructing her life the way she did , she evaded many of the usual controls and sanctions that governed the lives of women , her obedience was given directly to God , and her claim was that only she could interpret that obedience .
13 Only she could protect him from its hungry clutches .
14 If only she could have waved a magic wand to turn the fat girl into a raving beauty .
15 For myself , I am still haunted by those vowel sounds and those uniquely ungrammatical sentences only she could dream up !
16 He bent over to speak so only she could hear him .
17 But I 'm sure she 'd let me have it , if only she could get rid of me .
18 If only she could lose her puppy fat and get her hair done at a proper salon instead of having it cut by Ivy Tucker who lived down the road and who did hairdressing for pin money .
19 If only she could just go home , hide away and never have to see anyone again — but she had promised to stick with Paula and there would be all kinds of awkward questions and recriminations if she arrived home alone .
20 Hugh did not turn his head when he spoke and kept his voice low so that only she could hear him .
21 Violet increasingly aware of prowling men — and , much more alarming , threatening — that she should move , only she could not move : the scowls of the whores , and some mean faces , eyes like flints , that she was poaching .
22 If only she could read they might open up the world .
23 If only she could understand the excruciating pain her boys are suffering when she treats them like this , and realise that they will carry that pain for the rest of their lives .
24 She felt that if only she could reach her father-in-law and confront him with her fears for George 's safety , he would somehow make everything all right .
25 She felt that if only she could be dressed like Tamar she would win Bob Lamb .
26 If only she could jump on her back and not stop galloping until she got to Ricky and Palm Springs .
27 She was convinced that if only she could find ‘ a knight in shining armour ’ , her life would be transformed .
28 If only she could see the good work they are doing there among young people .
29 It was her turn now to become a heroine if only she could come up with a brilliant plot .
30 ICE DANCE queen Moira Kelly would be spinning her way to gold on the padding of daddy 's millions if only she could find that elusive partner good enough .
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