Example sentences of "[adv] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We have , of course , latterly been essentially running the club for our own benefit .
2 But other psychologists who presumably are not merely inattentive , do not find what Wundt claims to find .
3 But you do n't I mean you 're gon na production anyway by putting the chiller in presumably are n't you ?
4 The soundtrack is industrial dance , the punters the kind of alternative/college crowd who presumably are about to go for The Shamen in a big way .
5 I am naturally particularly interested in the Carmel Wood IDO claim , which I presume has been registered but my interest goes beyond this to encompass all the claims that have been made in Wales , which presumably are now subject to the same procedures being applied by your authority .
6 S so erm did presumably are quite strong like that then ?
7 The daughter of a warehouseman , she was 26 years old in 1910 , so had presumably been more than ten years in the trade .
8 ‘ It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that he and other persons ( not being his employees ) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety . ’
9 With this defence the defendant is saying that the plaintiff has failed to take reasonable care and thereby been partly responsible for his own injuries , loss or damage .
10 Well since nineteen forty-five , in the Federal Republic of Germany , there is very little difference essentially between the educational system erm there and the educational system in this country , for very obvious reasons , I think the western Allies simply imposed their values , their educational systems among other things , on the West Germans , who were rather reluctant at the time to accept it , but have grown to love those values and arguably are now as good if not better at preserving them than we are .
11 Objection may also be taken to the new offences on the ground that rape has arguably been substantially downgraded as a crime where aggravating factors do not exist .
12 I thought it was like driving but you 're sitting in the car properly are n't you ?
13 Deoxynucleoside triphosphates ( dNTPs ) and salts and buffer to allow the enzyme to work properly are also included .
14 However , music chosen from a composer 's total output and specially arranged as a score for a three-act ballet with a story has rarely been completely successful .
15 The literary bias of British film reviewing has rarely been quite so plainly stated — Coward is the established name , his reputation guaranteed by years of theatrical success , hence he takes precedence over the mere maker of pictures .
16 If these changes in family structure and parental roles are of recent origin , current political dimensions of child care policy , which have rarely been more prominent than today , surely have a longer history .
17 In the same way , the ‘ Observer ’ , which acclaimed ‘ an evening of theatrical magic ’ , was the ‘ Quantock Observer ’ ; and the ‘ Mail ’ , who had ‘ rarely been so entertained ’ was the ‘ Western Mail ’ .
18 Since their lavish £200,000 wedding 14 months ago , they have rarely been out of the headlines — but for all the wrong reasons .
19 As Meisel observes correctly , merely to state that the number of those who hold power in any given society is fewer than those who do not , is to state a truism which has rarely been sensibly denied , but which explains little .
20 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
21 Words presented visually or auditorily are less well recalled when they are similar sounding than when they are different sounding .
22 Many of us are already cutting down on red meat , partly for health reasons but also because of , as Audrey Eyton explains ( see p.56 ) , the growing awareness that animals being farmed intensively are neither happy nor tasty .
23 Services which are organized locally are usually more accessible and friendly than remote , distant ones .
24 Occasional collective efforts by prisoners to improve their lot have mostly been sharply put down .
25 The structure of universities in Germany , France , Britain and the USA was very different , but everywhere they were by the end of the century centres of scientific research , while at the beginning of it they had mostly been very marginal to it .
26 Much of it was of the Louis XIV period ( which has a much more limited market than Louis XVI furniture ) , and in contrast to the freshness of the Patiño lots , had mostly been recently bought at high prices .
27 Teenagers are fiercely independent , but the risks of being led astray are much greater — drug addiction , unsafe sex or even death from dare-devil exploits .
28 But direct operating costs are lower since the fees levied by aerodrome owners for landing and parking etc. are generally much more reasonable than in the UK
29 Excuses based on weather conditions , visibility and the condition of the road surface etc. are generally poor defences , unless the driver takes immediate evasive action .
30 Fully comprehensive insurance , maintenance and servicing costs etc. are also not included .
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