Example sentences of "[adv] the time " in BNC.

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1 As a result , there is rarely the time to provide adequate explanations as to why a particular step is carried out .
2 Eventually the time came for Battuta 's own audience with the Sultan .
3 Eventually the time came when she could n't delay going downstairs any longer , and when she reached the kitchen she discovered that the visitor had left , and that Silas was examining the contents of the fridge .
4 Eventually the time had to be decided by the stopwatch of an arena judge .
5 Neville 's take on the time was more acute .
6 Many of these are designed to speed up your computer , especially the time it takes to get graphics up on-screen .
7 And sure enough the time came for his release … the pen was opened and he was free to go , after an uncertain start Freddy the Fox took his first step in the world as a wild Fox .
8 George funnily enough the time that we did a course with I P R before
9 It needed considerable force of character , whatever the merits of the issue , for the Thomson family to shut down The Times and The Sunday Times for a year and for Murdoch to move the papers to ‘ fortress Wapping ’ later , in his struggles with the unions .
10 It all ended well , undoubtedly helped by the fact that one positive feature could be highlighted , namely the support and sympathy shown by the Emperor during the Indian Mutiny , when he had offered to allow passage through France to British reinforcements so that they could embark at Toulon , thus cutting down the time required for the voyage to India .
11 She notes down the time and what she saw :
12 It also has an ‘ enable tracer ’ which cuts down the time needed to run off a large number of copies from one disc .
13 The approval by members at the June special meeting of a reformed scheme should , with luck , cut down the time that references to the JDS take to complete , as well as the cost of these expensive investigations .
14 Develop their techniques ; use every means to cut down the time used up .
15 Anywhere outside a Communist state — and perhaps the time looks like coming when even that qualification will be superfluous — this is done by seeking to secure the largest possible return on capital .
16 But second , enough of an overwhelming victory for the incumbent leader to rule out what has always been the more credible avenue through which change might occur : her own apprehension , reaching her by whatever means , that perhaps the time has come to quit — before the election rather than after it .
17 Perhaps the time had now come to change the emphasis to more efficient production .
18 Perhaps the time has come for someone else to take on the burden .
19 Perhaps the time has come when we should humbly admit our limitations and seek solutions in co-operation with the Master Plan .
20 Perhaps the time of molecular revelation of rare diseases would be the proper time to introduce general health insurance to the United States ?
21 Perhaps the time has now come for specialist monographs .
22 And so perhaps the time had come just to sit down somewhere on the ground and wait .
23 Perhaps the time has come for another name to be engraved on the trophies .
24 Perhaps the time has come to test it .
25 Perhaps the time spent away from him would help her regain some control over the wild emotions roiling inside her .
26 Let me suggest to my hon. and learned Friend the Minister that perhaps the time has come to stop acting as an honest broker between victim and aggressor .
27 Perhaps the time of his Occultation — whatever that might be — was almost upon them .
28 Perhaps the Time Lords are right .
29 Perhaps the time is coming when they will have to honour that pledge .
30 Obviously the times shown are approximate since journey times can vary due to a number of reasons e.g. weather , road works , traffic , etc .
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