Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time — and it 's about time — we see Bertie Wooster as he really is , a bungling destroyer of sensibility , eagerly and inanely driving his men on to set up an advanced cricket pitch 100 miles behind enemy lines . ’
2 She learned quickly and eagerly and soon acquired sufficient know-how to join Anne Mowbray in the small schoolroom .
3 It eagerly and uncharacteristically announced the results two days before the conference .
4 Still , I marvel at how eagerly and easily a chub will bite , considering how shy they are in all other respects .
5 With its ethical imperatives , Idealism was perfectly suited to debate the ‘ boy labour ’ problem which was usually seen , in one way or another , as a problem of ‘ character ’ and , therefore , notions of duty , service , subordination , and so on , were eagerly and easily incorporated as desirable features in the making of the new image of youth .
6 Unfortunately those clergy who had so eagerly and diligently defended and justified the war were likely to be engulfed and damaged by the pessimism and disillusion which its failure provoked : pacifism was commonly embraced by the lollards .
7 It is only against this background that one can begin now to understand the behaviour of Hollywood and Broadway , of the star names who confessed so eagerly and abjectly to their previous sins and were meat and drink to the H.U.A.C. Like reformed alcoholics , they could not wait to let the world know how misguided they had been and who had led them astray .
8 Abie was no youngster any more , but that much he had and he would accept any task he was given — eagerly and gratefully .
9 The Education Department appeared to be delighted with what they were doing with the family , and any materials required for teaching the one girl were supplied eagerly and promptly .
10 I was excited to use it since I had only painted onto a stretched canvas once before , and I stretched it eagerly and tightly .
11 Our thanks are also , of course , extended to , who has so professionally , purposefully and cheerfully dealt with hiccups such as the extra numbers at the first seminar and so on .
12 Surprise does n't register , instead , Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim 's stomach .
13 Surprise does n't register , instead , Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim 's stomach .
14 Sour old Mr Piggott , who had looked in at St Andrew 's , let fall an ejaculation quite unsuitable to its surroundings , and emerging from the vestry door , crunched purposefully and maliciously upon a piece of coke to relieve his feelings .
15 The primary phase should help pupils to learn to understand themselves , their relationships with others and the world around them ; should stimulate their curiosity and teach them to apply it purposefully and usefully ; and should develop the foundations for later learning and those personal qualities and attitudes which , if acquired during the primary phase , provide a sound base for what follows .
16 Enjoy the adoration of family and friends and sensibly and slowly plan your next races ( see Bruce Tulloh 's advice on page 46 ) or , if London ‘ 92 was a bit of a disaster , do n't feel sorry for yourself .
17 I WOULD rather take my children into the main bar or lounge of a pub and expect them to sit sensibly and reasonably quietly so that we can all relax , drink , talk and eat in a proper pub atmosphere .
18 Now if we work as a team and we work very sensibly and reasonably , it may wo may well be that the most sensible way of working is for the project engineer to decide who 's gon na do the site measure .
19 We try to ensure that any surplus resources are reallocated sensibly and flexibly .
20 Applied sensibly and sensitively , however , it is a different story ; as always in education , it depends how you do it .
21 careful development of company mentalness programmes can allow many of those issues to be addressed sensibly and sensitively .
22 We may not want it but the government is going to demand it and we as custodians of the services on the part of the people of Cambridge , are going to have to do as sensibly and sensitively as possible .
23 We generally look upon cars as tools of our trade , so we treat them sensibly and carefully .
24 Used sensibly and carefully then I 'm all in favour of artificial food production .
25 It does everything both groups typically want , and it does it sensibly and palatably .
26 If a horse stops pulling once he has settled down and works sensibly and correctly after say , 20 minutes of ‘ whoopee ’ then it is a matter of working through the exuberance stage with as many exercises in the form of transitions and ‘ things to do ’ as possible to occupy the horse 's mind and so try to make him concentrate on his work rather than other exciting stimuli .
27 I believe that every problem can be resolved , and that if it can be approached sensibly and thoughtfully , it can even be turned to advantage .
28 The pragmatist might acknowledge this point but would offer the further thought that , under normal circumstances , it is unlikely that a flea 's stray garment could be mistaken for anything else , and that the flea. its garments and any other intimately associated paraphernalia would be more sensibly and helpfully handled as a single record .
29 I do not rebuke the hon. Gentleman for the length of his speech , as he is defending and promoting the interests of his constituents fiercely and properly .
30 They guarded their independence fiercely and neither Chris nor I dared ask too often how much progress was being made .
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